What Type Of Empath Am I Quiz

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15 Questions | Total Attempts: 2306 | Updated: Aug 28, 2024
What Type of Empath Am I Quiz

You’ve probably heard of the term “empathy,” which refers to a person’s ability to put themselves in another person’s shoes and understand the struggles of other people. If you’re highly empathetic, you may have even been told you’re an empath, meaning you have a unique ability to understand the thoughts, feelings, and experiences of others.

Empathy goes beyond simple understanding—it can shape how we connect with everything around us. A true empath can take on other people's feelings, to the extent that they experience those things themselves. Here, take the “What type of empath am I?” Quiz. Some features may be common to all empaths, but since there are different types of empaths, the specific personality traits may vary.

Questions Excerpt

1. Which one of the following most sounds like you?

A. When a friend or loved one gets hurt, I can physically feel their pain

B. At times, I get a strong sense about something that is going to happen in the future, and I end up being correct

C. If my significant other feels sad, I start to feel down in the dumps myself

2. How do you tend to react if your partner or significant other is angry with you?

A. Sometimes I shut down emotionally, because the anger feels so powerful to me.

B. I can predict what might happen after the argument winds down, so I am able to remain calm.

C. I imagine the sensation of their body growing warm with anger, and I start to feel overheated and physiologically aroused myself.

3. Have you ever had dreams that predict real events?

A. Yes, my dreams frequently forecast actual occurrences

B. Occasionally, but I more often dream vividly about emotional situations involving people I care about

C. This isn’t something I usually experience

4. How do you feel about giving someone bad news?

A. I'm overwhelmed by the emotional fallout, which affects me deeply.

B. I sense their reaction before they even hear the news.

C. I dread it because I start to feel their disappointment physically.

5. Do you feel like you can communicate with animals?

A. No, but I feel deeply sad when I see animals in distress

B. Yes, I often know exactly how animals are feeling and can even sense their physical pain

C. I connect with animals and seem to understand their emotions without words

6. What is your biggest struggle in intimate relationships?

A. I become overwhelmed when my partner shares feelings with me, because I tend to take them on as my own.

B. I tend to lose trust in someone once I get the slightest gut feeling that they may be doing something wrong.

C. I cannot handle when my significant other is sick or hurt, because I tend to feel their pain.

7. What is your best quality in relationships?

A. I am really sensitive toward other people’s feelings, so I usually do not come across as hurtful or offensive.

B. When someone is physically suffering, such as dealing with pain or an illness, I am able to comfort them, because I can imagine exactly how they feel.

C. I am able to foresee what people will need in the future, and I can plan for it to ensure I will meet their needs.

8. How do you react to scenes of distress in movies?

A. I often feel physical pain mirroring what characters experience

B. I can predict plot twists and character reactions

C. I emotionally absorb the atmosphere, affecting my mood significantly

9. If your friend is in severe pain, how do you typically react?

A. I share deeply in their emotional turmoil, feeling it as if it were my own

B. I might start feeling a similar pain or discomfort in my own body

C. I wouldn’t be surprised, having often sensed something might go wrong

10. Do you feel connected to the natural world around you?

A. I am emotionally moved by the beauty and distress in nature, feeling joy or sadness accordingly

B. I physically feel the life force of plants and nature, affecting my own energy levels

C. I have strong, intuitive connections with nature that often guide my actions

11. When attending social events, how do you usually feel?

A. I often know the mood of the room before anyone speaks

B. I feel emotionally drained or uplifted depending on the collective mood

C. I sometimes develop headaches or tiredness, mirroring the fatigue around me

12. How do you usually respond to watching news stories about global crises?

A. I predict the outcomes and implications of the events

B. I feel deep sorrow or happiness for the people involved

C. I experience physical symptoms like a tight chest or nervousness

13. What happens when you read a highly emotional book?

A. I often guess the ending or the fate of characters accurately

B. I feel the emotions of characters as if they were my own

C. I might feel physically ill or exhausted if it’s a particularly intense scene

14. During conflicts, how do you usually react?

A. I anticipate the other person's arguments and often think several steps ahead

B. I feel overwhelmed by the emotional energy and need time to recover

C. I physically feel the tension in my body, sometimes even mimicking the other person's posture or pain

15. How do you feel when someone discusses their physical ailments with you?

A. I often know intuitively what led to their ailment or how it will progress

B. I sympathize deeply, feeling sad or concerned for them

C. I start feeling similar symptoms, like aches or pains, during or after our conversation

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