Do I Have Attachment Issues Quiz

Imani Bowman
Verified Marriage & Family Therapist Reviewed By
Imani Bowman, LPC
Imani Bowman
Licensed Professional Counselor
Verified Marriage & Family Therapist Review Board Member

Imani enjoys working with children, families, and individuals. She is especially passionate about working with pre-teens, teenagers, and young adults as they transition through... Read More

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20 Questions | Total Attempts: 13224 | Updated: Nov 19, 2024
Do I Have Attachment Issues Quiz

There are times in our lives when we prefer being left alone. We enjoy our space but also don’t want to be alone. But we need to attain a balance between the two.

You may relate your need for space to an issue with yourself, or you may find it hard to attach yourself to another person.

Take this "Do I have attachment issues?" quiz to find out what stops you from feeling detached or less attached.

Questions Excerpt

1. Do you enjoy discussing your feelings with others?

A. Not at all, I prefer to keep them private

B. Sometimes, but only with certain people

C. Yes, it helps me feel understood

2. How do you feel when someone depends on you emotionally?

A. It feels overwhelming

B. I am okay with it, but I need time for myself too

C. I am happy to provide support when needed

3. What do you value most in friendships?

A. Independence and no pressure to connect often

B. Understanding and respect for boundaries

C. Consistency and emotional support

4. How do you respond when someone surprises you with a thoughtful gesture?

A. I feel a bit uncomfortable

B. I appreciate it but do not always know how to react

C. I feel genuinely touched and express my gratitude

5. What does a meaningful relationship look like to you?

A. A strong sense of independence

B. Mutual respect with some personal space

C. Emotional closeness and support

6. How do you feel about expressing vulnerability?

A. I avoid it at all costs

B. I am selective about when and with whom I share

C. I believe it is important for connection

7. How do you handle situations where someone disagrees with you?

A. I avoid the topic entirely

B. I listen but maintain my own stance

C. I engage in discussions to understand their view

8. Do you believe in making long-term plans?

A. Not really, I live in the moment

B. Sometimes, but I keep them flexible

C. Yes, I find it reassuring

9. How do you handle being alone for long periods?

A. I thrive on it

B. I enjoy it but need occasional interaction

C. I struggle with being alone for too long

10. How do you approach meeting new people?

A. I avoid it unless absolutely necessary

B. I approach it cautiously but stay open-minded

C. I actively seek opportunities to meet others

11. Do you like living alone or with people?

A. Alone

B. With people who respect my space

C. I wish there were a middle ground

12. When someone offers to help you, how do you respond?

A. I usually decline, even if I need it

B. I accept help only when I trust them

C. I gratefully accept whenever I need it

13. Do you help people when they need you the most?

A. I can not handle crises

B. Yes, always

C. Yes, but I am sometimes hard to reach

14. How do you feel about sharing personal achievements with others?

A. I prefer to keep them to myself

B. I share them with a select few

C. I enjoy celebrating openly with others

15. Do you talk to anyone when you feel low?

A. No, I just try to distract myself

B. Yes, I have a few worthy friends

C. Sometimes, not always

16. Do you often daydream about a different life?

A. Yes, almost every day

B. Sometimes, but it depends on my mood

C. Rarely, I am focused on the present

17. Do you prefer working alone or with a team?

A. Absolutely alone

B. I love good teams

C. I am fine either way

18. Were you really close to your guardians while growing up?

A. Yes, we were, and I miss them

B. Not really close, but we were always on good terms

C. No, I never felt attached to them

19. Have you heard from anyone that you have commitment issues?

A. Yes, and I am working on it

B. No, but that’s what I think

C. Yes, but I don’t think they are right

20. What do you love and hate about living with other people?

A. Love the company, hate the intrusion

B. Love the idea of having people around, hate the pressure to entertain

C. I don’t enjoy having company

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