Am I Polysexual Quiz Editorial Team
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10 Questions | Total Attempts: 2457 | Updated: Feb 24, 2022
Am I Polysexual Quiz
Polysexuality is a sexual identity in which people are not confined to binary identity, man/woman. A polysexual person forms relationships with many genders. It is different from polyamory or pansexuality. The only difference is that a polysexual person will be attracted to various genders but not all. The broader term for multiple sexual identities is pansexual, wherein people are attracted to people regardless of gender. While pansexuality covers all genders, polyamory covers non-monogamous relationships, and polysexuality entails many but not all genders. If you are confused about your sexual identity, take this Am I Polysexual quiz and find out.

Questions Excerpt

1. Which of the following genders do you find you can have a sexual relationship with?

A. All genders

B. Opposite/ same

C. Pretty much all

2. What is your take on monogamy?

A. An invalid concept

B. I don’t mind it

C. I am still exploring

3. Do you identify yourself with any particular gender?

A. No, I don’t

B. Yes, I do

C. Yes, sometimes

4. What describes you the best?

A. Gender-neutral

B. Genderfluid

C. Binary/ non-binary

5. What do you relate to the most?

A. Multiple partners of the same or opposite sexuality

B. One/many partners regardless of their sexual orientation

C. One/many partners of similar kind of sexual orientation

6. Are you often confused about your sexual identity?

A. Yes

B. No

C. Sometimes

7. Do you judge people by the way they dress?

A. Rarely

B. Yes, I do

C. Sometimes

8. Do you think people understand your sexual preferences?

A. Hardly

B. They do

C. I don’t think so

9. Have you always known your sexual orientation?

A. Yes, I did

B. No, I didn’t

C. Kind of, but now I am sure

10. Do you cross-dress?

A. Yes, sometimes

B. Yes, a lot

C. No, I don’t

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