Is My Husband Sexually Attracted To Me Quiz? Editorial Team
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15 Questions | Total Attempts: 19485 | Updated: Aug 27, 2023
 Is My Husband Sexually Attracted to Me Quiz?

Are you wondering if your husband is still sexually attracted to you? Navigating the intricacies of intimacy in a relationship is essential for a fulfilling marriage. Our quiz "Is My Husband Sexually Attracted to Me?" can help you assess the dynamics of desire and connection within your partnership. Delve into a series of thoughtful questions that explore emotional, physical, and relational aspects, providing valuable insights into the level of sexual attraction between you and your husband.

Questions Excerpt

1. How often do you have sex with your husband?

A. Very often

B. Rarely

C. Sometimes

2. Does your husband compliment you often?

A. Yes, of course!

B. Nope

C. Sometimes

3. How does your husband react when you’re naked or wearing revealing clothes?

A. He is instantly turned on

B. He ignores me

C. It depends on the situation

4. Who usually initiates sex?

A. My husband

B. Me, but it doesn’t usually lead to anything.

C. We both do

5. During sex, does your husband take the time to pleasure you?

A. Yes

B. No

C. Sometimes

6. Is your husband very touchy-feely with you?

A. Yes

B. No

C. Sometimes

7. Does your husband buy you lingerie or other sexy gifts?

A. OMG, yes!

B. Absolutely not

C. Just on special occasions, no other time

8. How often does your husband initiate cuddling or physical closeness outside sexual contexts?

A. Quite often

B. Rarely or never

C. Occasionally, but not consistently

9. Does your husband have sexy photos of you on his phone?

A. Yes

B. No

C. I don't know

10. Do you sext with your husband?

A. Yes

B. No

C. Sometimes

11. How engaged is your husband in meaningful conversations and emotional connection with you?

A. Very engaged

B. Not very engaged

C. It varies; sometimes he is, sometimes he isn't

12. Does your husband express interest in your daily activities and personal life?

A. Yes, all the time

B. Rarely or hardly ever

C. Occasionally, but inconsistently

13. How often does your husband make romantic gestures or surprises for you?

A. Frequently

B. Almost never

C. Once in a while, when I least expect it

14. How does your husband react when you express your sexual desires or fantasies?

A. He is receptive and open to trying new things

B. He seems disinterested or dismissive

C. He's unsure how to respond or gives mixed reactions

15. How often does your husband show public displays of affection (holding hands, hugging, etc.)?

A. Frequently

B. Rarely or never

C. Sometimes, but not consistently

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