How Sexually Intimate Is Your Relationship Quiz

Juliana Alpízar
Verified Marriage & Family Therapist Reviewed By
Juliana Alpízar, Sex Therapist
Juliana Alpízar
Sex Therapist
Verified Marriage & Family Therapist Review Board Member

Juliana Alpízar is a Sexologist and Coach specializing in unconventional sexual practices. She uses her knowledge in Communication and coaching to support individuals,... Read More

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15 Questions | Total Attempts: 8346 | Updated: Nov 20, 2024
How Sexually Intimate Is Your Relationship Quiz

In most romantic relationships, sexual intimacy is a vital component. It evolves and changes over time. This quiz is carefully crafted to help you reflect on various aspects of your sexual relationship with your partner.

Whether it's communication about desires, comfort levels in intimacy, or overall satisfaction, our questions aim to provide insights into how you both connect on a sexual level. Ideal for couples looking to understand and enhance their sexual bond, this 'How sexually intimate is your relationship' quiz is a step towards deeper, more fulfilling intimacy.

Let's explore the unique dynamics of your relationship and uncover ways to strengthen your intimate connection.

Questions Excerpt

1. How often do you and your partner have sex?

A. Almost daily

B. Once or twice a week

C. Once or twice a month

D. We do it sometimes when there's a holiday or something

2. Do you daydream about your partner?

A. Every day

B. Sometimes when they text me something sexy

C. It has happened once or twice

D. No

3. Do you feel comfortable when you're naked in front of your partner?

A. Of course, why wouldn't I be

B. Yes, but I don't like being naked in front of my partner

C. Only when the lights are out

D. No, I don't

4. Do you sometimes laugh during sex?

A. Yes, we often laugh together

B. It has happened a few times

C. No

D. I awkwardly laugh when they ask me if I want to have sex with them

5. What do you think about roleplay?

A. We both love it

B. My partner loves it

C. It's not for us

D. Role play is for people who have sex. Not for us.

6. Have you told your secret sex fantasies to your partner?

A. Almost all of them and we've tried many of them

B. Just one and we did it

C. No, but I'd like to do that someday

D. No, they are fantasies, they are not meant to be practiced

7. Where do you have sex?

A. Home, public, everything is on the table

B. The bed is my favorite, but other places are fine too

C. Strictly bed, as everything else is just nonsense

D. We don't have sex

8. Do you have sex in the dark or light?

A. Is there any difference

B. I prefer dark, but I don't mind if there's light

C. Only dark

D. If we do it, only dark and possibly with some clothes on

9. What do you do after sex?

A. Laugh, cuddle, eat naked, or whatever we feel like

B. Watch TV

C. Sleep

D. Get dressed and do something else

10. How would you rate the quality of the sex?

A. Everything I've ever dreamed of

B. Great

C. Could be better

D. I'd rather do something else than having sex with my partner

11. How do you initiate sex with your partner?

A. Verbally express my desire

B. Use physical gestures or touches

C. Wait for my partner to initiate

D. We rarely or never initiate sex

12. How do you feel about trying new things in bed?

A. Always excited to experiment

B. Open to it if my partner suggests

C. Prefer sticking to what we know

D. Not interested in trying new things

13. How do you resolve disagreements about sex?

A. Open communication and compromise

B. Usually one of us gives in

C. Avoid discussing it

D. Disagreements often remain unresolved

14. What role does physical affection play in your relationship outside of sex?

A. We frequently hug, kiss, and hold hands, and are affectionate

B. We're affectionate sometimes, but not overly

C. Physical affection is minimal or reserved for private moments

D. We rarely show physical affection outside of sex

15. How do you feel after being intimate with your partner?

A. Closer and more connected

B. Generally positive, but it varies

C. Indifferent or no significant change

D. More distant or uncomfortable

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