Am I Married To A Man With Bipolar Disorder Quiz Editorial Team
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10 Questions | Total Attempts: 21 | Updated: Feb 24, 2022
Am I Married to a Man With Bipolar Disorder Quiz
Everyone struggles with ups and downs in life from time to time, but when you are married to someone with bipolar disorder, these ups and downs are sudden and severe and could seriously hinder your relationship if you aren’t sure how to deal with it.When a person is diagnosed with bipolar disorder, their ups and downs are very drastic. They can go from periods of mania where they have endless energy and confidence to sudden plunges into a deep depression with little to no warning, and these changes are outside of their control.Bipolar disorder also comes in different forms, so it is important to know which type a person is diagnosed with to plan for the best course of treatment.If you are afraid you might be married to someone with bipolar disorder, take this short quiz to see if it’s true.

Questions Excerpt

1. Does your spouse seem to have drastic and sudden changes in their moods or behaviors?

A. Yes, it’s severe

B. Yes, but it is not exactly severe

C. Sometimes

2. Does your spouse have periods where they feel euphoric, upbeat, and talk non-stop?

A. Yes

B. Sometimes, they seem unusually upbeat and outgoing

C. Not really

3. Does your spouse develop extremely irritable moods where the littlest thing will cause them to explode?

A. Yes

B. Sometimes

C. Rarely

4. Are your spouse's mood changes significantly different from the normal behavior you are used to?

A. Yes

B. Sometimes

C. Rarely

5. Is your spouse easily distracted at times, jumping from idea to idea and speaking much faster than normal?

A. Yes

B. Somewhat

C. Not that I have noticed

6. Has your spouse been engaging in overly impulsive or self-destructive behaviors such as affairs, sporadic spending sprees, or risky investments that are largely outside of their character?

A. Yes

B. Somewhat

C. No

7. Does your spouse seem to go through periods where they appear to have endless energy followed by periods where they have no energy at all to even get out of bed,  regardless of how much sleep they are getting?

A. Yes

B. Sometimes

C. No

8. When your spouse is in a depressed mood, do they spend most of their time depressed and finding it hard to find any pleasure in their lives?

A. Yes, frequently

B. Yes, sometimes

C. Not really

9. Does your spouse go through periods where they are drained of all their energy and motivation to do even the littlest things?

A. Yes

B. Sometimes

C. Not really

10. Has your spouse experienced suicidal thoughts or attempted to harm themselves?

A. Yes

B. They have had thoughts but haven’t acted on it

C. Not that I know of

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