Do I Have Bipolar Disorder Quiz? Editorial Team
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15 Questions | Total Attempts: 195 | Updated: Jun 16, 2022
 Do I Have Bipolar Disorder Quiz?

Many people worldwide suffer from bipolar disease; one minute, they are happy, and other times they are sad and hard to control. People who suffer from this condition are very fragile (mentally speaking) and are often under medication because their bipolarity might easily lead to depression and, consequently, suicide. 

Most of them don't even know if they have this disease. So, have you ever wondered if you suffer from bipolar disease? Take our Am I bipolar quiz and find out now.

Questions Excerpt

1. Do you often have mood swings?

A. No, not at all

B. Sometimes

C. Most of the time

D. Yes, all the time

2. Do you have bursts of anger up to the point of hurting yourself?

A. Yes, you’ve cut yourself in the past

B. Yes, you often think of suicide

C. No, you just want to lay down and think

D. No, never

3. Are you often described as delusional?

A. Yes, all the time

B. Sometimes

C. No, mostly as melancholic

D. No, never

4. Do you sometimes have thoughts of suicide?

A. Yes, all the time

B. No, not really

C. No

D. Why would you when you have everything going for yourself

5. Do you sometimes forget the things you say?

A. Yes, all the time

B. Sometimes

C. No

D. Never

6. Are you often described as someone who has two personalities?

A. Yes, all the time

B. Yes, but it’s a mistake

C. No, just a moody person

D. No, never

7. Do you need medication to control your mood swings?

A. Yes

B. Sometimes

C. No, you just need to sleep when it happens

D. No

8. Do you hate being around people because you feel like you are hearing voices?

A. Yes

B. No

C. Never

D. You just see images of the past to be honest

9. Do you find it hard to control your anger?

A. Yes

B. Sometimes

C. No

D. Never

10. Do you like yourself?

A. Not really

B. You don’t like what you see in the mirror

C. Sometimes

D. Yes, very much

11. Do you ever feel elevated and low at the same time?

A. Yes

B. Most of the time

C. Sometimes

D. No

12. Do you feel on elevated days you feel more interested in sex than usual?

A. Yes

B. Sometimes

C. Mostly

D. No

13. Does your confidence range from self doubt to overconfidence?

A. All the time

B. Sometimes

C. Rarely

D. Never

14. Are your quantity and quality of work are never consistent?

A. Yes

B. Sometimes

C. Frequently

D. No

15. Do you feel angry most times without understanding the reason behind it?

A. Yes

B. Rarely

C. Frequently

D. No

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