Does My Partner Have Bipolar Disorder Quiz

Karah Germroth
Verified Marriage & Family Therapist Reviewed By
Karah Germroth, LCSW
Karah Germroth
Licensed Clinical Social Worker
Verified Marriage & Family Therapist Review Board Member

Karah Germroth is a Licensed Master Social Worker licensed in the State of New York. A Tennessee native, Karah completed her Bachelor’s degree in Social Work at the... Read More

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15 Questions | Total Attempts: 1194 | Updated: Aug 20, 2024
Does My Partner Have Bipolar Disorder Quiz

Understanding bipolar disorder is crucial for maintaining a healthy relationship. If you suspect that your partner may have bipolar disorder, this "Does my partner have bipolar disorder?" quiz will help you assess their behavior and determine whether further evaluation is necessary.

Please note that this quiz is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you have concerns about your partner's mental health, it is essential to consult with a qualified mental health professional for an accurate assessment and appropriate care.

Questions Excerpt

1. How would you describe your partner's mood swings?

A. They experience extreme highs and lows, with periods of intense energy and productivity followed by deep depression

B. They generally have stable moods with occasional fluctuations

C. Their mood swings are occasional and don't seem extreme or disruptive

2. How does your partner handle stress or change?

A. They tend to become overwhelmed and anxious, leading to more frequent mood swings

B. They adapt fairly well to stress and change without significant disruptions in their mood

C. They handle stress and change like most people, with minimal impact on their mood

3. Has your partner experienced periods of hyperactivity or decreased need for sleep?

A. Yes, they frequently go through phases where they have excessive energy and require very little sleep

B. Sometimes, they have bursts of energy, but it's not excessive or prolonged

C. No, they have consistent energy levels and sleep patterns

4. Have you noticed any impulsive behavior or reckless decision-making?

A. Yes, they often engage in impulsive actions without considering the consequences

B. Occasionally, they make impulsive decisions, but it's not a regular occurrence

C. No, their decisions are generally thoughtful and deliberate

5. How does your partner respond to criticism or feedback?

A. They become defensive and may react strongly to perceived criticism

B. They handle criticism reasonably well, but it can sometimes affect their mood

C. They are open to feedback and can separate it from their emotions

6. Have you observed any significant changes in your partner's sleep patterns or appetite?

A. Yes, they frequently experience disruptions in their sleep and appetite

B. Occasionally, they have slight changes in sleep or appetite, but it's not significant

C. No, their sleep and appetite remain consistent

7. Does your partner have difficulty staying focused or completing tasks?

A. Yes, they often struggle with concentration and have difficulty finishing projects

B. Occasionally, they have difficulty staying focused, but it's not a persistent problem

C. No, they have no trouble with concentration or completing tasks

8. Have you noticed any patterns of self-destructive behavior, such as substance abuse or risky sexual behavior?

A. Yes, they frequently engage in self-destructive behaviors that endanger their well-being

B. Occasionally, they exhibit self-destructive behavior, but it's not common

C. No, they generally make safe and healthy choices

9. How often does your partner experience episodes of deep sadness or hopelessness?

A. Frequently, they have prolonged periods of intense sadness and despair

B. Occasionally, they experience temporary sadness, but it doesn't last long

C. Rarely or never, they maintain a generally positive and stable mood

10. Do your partner's mood swings significantly affect their daily functioning?

A. Yes, their mood swings interfere with their ability to work or maintain relationships

B. Occasionally, their mood swings have some impact, but they can still function relatively well

C. No, their mood swings do not significantly disrupt their daily life

11. Has your partner experienced any significant shifts in their energy levels unrelated to external factors (e.g., changes in sleep patterns)?

A. Yes, they frequently have periods of excessive energy followed by severe exhaustion

B. Occasionally, they have fluctuations in energy levels, but it's not extreme or disruptive

C. No, their energy levels remain relatively stable

12. How does your partner handle conflicts or disagreements?

A. They tend to have intense emotional reactions, escalating conflicts quickly

B. They handle conflicts reasonably well, but their mood can be affected by disagreements

C. They approach conflicts calmly and can resolve them without significant disruptions in their mood

13. Have you noticed any patterns of rapid or pressured speech in your partner?

A. Yes, they frequently speak rapidly or feel compelled to keep talking

B. Occasionally, they have moments of rapid speech, but it's not a regular occurrence

C. No, they maintain a regular pace of speech

14. How do your partner's mood swings affect their relationships with others?

A. Their mood swings often strain relationships as they become irritable, argumentative, or aggressive

B. Occasionally, their mood swings can temporarily strain relationships, but they can usually amend them

C. Their mood swings generally have little to no negative impact on their relationships

15. How long do your partner's mood swings typically last?

A. They experience prolonged episodes of mood swings that can last for weeks or months

B. Their mood swings can last for a few days or a week, but they are not extended periods

C. Their mood swings are short-lived and last for only a few hours or less

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