Marriage Quizzes - Page 92

Passive Aggressive Spouse Quiz

Mental Health

Passive Aggressive Spouse Quiz

As many would say, you never know who you are living with till the last minute. Meaning, that someone may be faking being nice to you for a long period of time until this person finally show you who they really are. So, when it comes to women, they might not always show you what they really feel because for them it’s a way to protect themselves from what their partner may or may not do. So, is your spouse passive-aggressive? Take our quiz and find out now.
Do I Struggle With Trust Issues Quiz


Do I Struggle With Trust Issues Quiz

Trust issues can cause very significant problems in all of your relationships in your life. It could be a major obstacle in forming positive connections with people and developing a deeper level of intimacy. This is often the result of issues in past relationships with romantic partners or with your parents. Still, deep-rooted trust issues can continue to affect all of your relationships in the future if they are not resolved. Trust issues make it very hard to have meaningful and successful relationships. You can not make yourself vulnerable or open yourself up fully to other people out of fear that they will hurt you or let you down. If you are wondering if you have trust issues affecting your relationships, take this quiz today to find out the truth.
Test the Trust Between You and Your Partner Quiz


Test the Trust Between You and Your Partner Quiz

Trust should stay at the foundation of every successful and fulfilling relationship. However, many people check their partner’s phone or feel worried when their significant other calls to say they are working one evening overtime. In some cases, this happens because one partner is untrustworthy, and in other cases, the one playing detective is untrusting. What about you? How much do you trust your partner?

Take this quiz to test the trust between you and your partner to understand if you need to work on your relationship to improve it.

Is My Marriage In Trouble Quiz


Is My Marriage In Trouble Quiz

Have you and your partner been fighting about the same things over and over again recently? Do you spend less time together than you used to? These are just a few signs that your marriage might be in trouble! Take this 'Is My Marriage in Trouble' quiz to find out!

What Is My Love Type Quiz?


What Is My Love Type Quiz?

There are many love types like there are many personalities. You also pick the person that you believe will fit well with the type of relationship you would like to have. The types of love vary from being madly in love, being lovers by interests, developing a friendship while in love, etc. So, what do you think is your type of love? Are you a short-term lover, or you learn to love your significant others for life? Take our quiz and find out now.
 Do I Have a Controlling Girlfriend Quiz?


Do I Have a Controlling Girlfriend Quiz?

Controlling girlfriends want to be right all the time and what to know everything about their partners. That’s mainly because they want the relationship to go their way and for their partner to not separate from them. Often the reason for their need for control is due to a lack of confidence caused by past failed relationships or deep-rooted insecurities. So, do you think you have a controlling girlfriend? Is it overwhelming to you most of the time? Take our quiz and find out now.
 Are Your Friends Toxic Quiz?


Are Your Friends Toxic Quiz?

Everyone has some moments with their friends where bad things happen. Sometimes it is because you are being young and reckless. Sometimes, it’s simply bad luck and being in the wrong place at the wrong time, and sometimes those friends create these bad things that keep happening, and we have to start wondering if these relationships are toxic. Even worse, the friendships that carry a lot of emotional baggage are the ones proven to be most harmful to people over time, and most of the time, they are hard to see until it’s too late and you are too far in to make a quick exit. Your friends might be toxic, so take this Toxic friends quiz and find out now.

Are You Ready For Another Baby Quiz


Are You Ready For Another Baby Quiz

Babies are gifts that come into our lives. Their emergence and existence bring so much joy into our lives. Indeed, babies come as gifts to us, but these gifts come with responsibilities. rnAs such, whenever you intend to have a baby, you need to ask yourself, are you ready to bring in another cutie into the world? rnFind out through this Are You Ready for Another Baby Quiz to understand the signs your mind is sending you.