The Relationship Personality Profile Quiz Editorial Team
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15 Questions | Total Attempts: 1404 | Updated: Aug 26, 2022
The Relationship Personality Profile Quiz

Many couples discover their partner is different from them in more ways than they would have thought at the beginning of the relationship. A couple’s personality type starts to develop from the first days and as you grow up together in the relationship, it engrains and influences the way you interact with each other. This is why sometimes you feel like your partner is driving you crazy and at other times you can’t understand what’s bothering them. 

Take this quiz to discover your relationship personality profile and see how you can improve things in each case.

Questions Excerpt

1. Do you often say “I love you”?

A. No, because we already know that

B. Yes, every day

C. Yes, between fights

D. No, we think it's silly

2. How do you make decisions in your relationship?

A. We discuss it together with pros and cons

B. We do what we feel

C. Each one does whatever they feel like and sometimes we fight

D. There are not too many common decisions to make

3. What birthday gift would you give to your partner?

A. Something they need

B. Sexy lingerie and a teddy bear

C. A bungee jumping voucher

D. Nothing or something generic

4. What is your favorite pastime activity?

A. Exercising or taking some classes together

B. Romantic dinners, picnics, long walks

C. Going to parties or backpacking

D. Watching TV or inviting some friends over

5. What is the most important thing in your relationship?

A. To make the right choices and have a good life

B. To offer and receive love

C. To have fun together

D. To make money together and accumulate wealth

6. What is your attitude when discussing important issues with your partner?

A. Being rational and knowledgeable

B. Being empathetic and caring

C. Being open-minded and thinking out of the box

D. Knowing what's good and what's bad

7. How do you greet your partner?

A. With a handshake and a smile

B. With a kiss and a hug

C. With a joke and then a kiss

D. With a raised eyebrow because they did something wrong again

8. What kind of person are you looking for in a relationship?

A. A smart and wise person

B. A caring and passionate person

C. Someone who knows how to enjoy life

D. Someone who doesn't bother me too much

9. What do you do when your partner is in a bad mood?

A. I ask them what happened

B. I hug them and ensure them of my support

C. I say a joke to make them feel better

D. Nothing

10. What do you focus on during an argument with your partner?

A. On finding a solution that suits us both

B. On being gentle and understanding their reasons

C. On getting over it fast

D. On proving I am right

11. What do you prefer doing in your free time as a couple?

A. Reading a book or watching a documentary

B. Going on long walks with each other

C. Trying a new adventure sport together

D. Quietly sitting and relaxing on our own

12. What do your loved ones think about you as a couple?

A. They think we are a wise and balanced couple

B. They think we love each other deeply

C. They think we have so much fun together

D. They think we slightly detached from each other

13. How do you apologise to each other after a fight?

A. We say sorry and calmly explain where we went wrong

B. We lovingly apologise and kiss to mend things

C. We lighten the environment with jokes and then apologise

D. We avoid each other until things calm down on their own

14. Do you miss each other when you are in separate locations?

A. We do but We recognise that we can’t be together all the time

B. Yes, it is really hard to be away from each other

C. Yes, but the distance reignites our passion for each other

D. Not really as there are so many other things to focus on

15. What do you think about fights in any relationship?

A. We think fights should be calmly handled

B. We prefer having a loving environment

C. We think fights bring in excitement and fun back into a relationship

D. We think fights are for those that are unbalanced

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