Is He Ready For Marriage Quiz? Editorial Team
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15 Questions | Total Attempts: 1416 | Updated: Aug 04, 2022
 Is He Ready for Marriage Quiz?

If you’ve been in a relationship with a man, at a certain stage you may try to figure out whether you can consider marrying him. You may start thinking about all aspects of his personality and analyze your own desires for the future. 

You may sometimes wonder, “Is he truly ready for marriage?” You may question if he is ready to commit his life to you and build a great future with you. Take this quiz to find out if he is ready for marriage! Good luck!

Questions Excerpt

1. How old is he?

A. Over 30

B. 25-30

C. 19-24

D. Under 18

2. How many relationships has he been in?

A. More than one

B. One

C. He has been on a few dates, but not a serious relationship

D. None

3. Has he ever cheated on you?

A. Never

B. I don't know

C. Maybe a few times

D. We have an open relationship, so it's not considered as cheating

4. How would you describe his personality?

A. Romantic

B. Confident

C. Fun-loving

D. Immature

5. How well do you know him?

A. Very well; he knows me better than I know myself

B. Pretty well

C. He knows me like most of my friends do

D. Not very well

6. Which career would he rather pursue?

A. Teacher

B. Business man

C. Lawyer

D. Police Detective

7. Does he want to have kids?

A. Yes, definitely

B. Yes, I think so

C. I don't know

D. No, he doesn't

8. How often do you talk about your future together?

A. Very often

B. Pretty often

C. Rarely

D. Never

9. What is one of his favorite hobbies?

A. Reading

B. Exercising

C. Working

D. Sleeping

10. Does he get along with your family?

A. Yes, very well

B. Pretty well

C. Not very well; he'd rather avoid them

D. No, not at all

11. Is he financially independent?

A. Yes, totally

B. Yes, for the most part

C. He is getting there

D. No, not at all

12. Does he live on his own?

A. Yes, he has a house/apartment of his own

B. Yes, he rents a place all by himself

C. He lives with flatmates

D. He lives with his parents

13. Would you describe him as a mature person?

A. Yes, completely

B. No, not at all

C. Yes, for the most part

D. Kind of

14. Has he expressed his intention of marrying you?

A. Yes, he does that all the time

B. Yes, he sort of jokes about it

C. Not really

D. No, not at all

15. Does he handle conflict in a mature manner?

A. Yes, he sits and talks things out

B. Yes, for the most part

C. Sometimes

D. No, he gets very agitated

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