Is My Girlfriend Using Me Quiz? Editorial Team
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15 Questions | Total Attempts: 1397 | Updated: Aug 25, 2022
 Is My Girlfriend Using Me Quiz?

There is nothing worse than spending all your time and energy on a relationship with someone and finding out at some point down the road that your whole relationship may have been based on a lie. The feelings of confusion, betrayal, and heartache are sometimes life-shattering, and you are left trying to pick up all the pieces and make sense of it all. 

Is she using you? Can you trust her? Does she have genuine feelings for you? You might be wondering about the answers to these questions or other similar questions as well. Not knowing could take a toll over time, so don’t waste any more time not knowing the truth. Take this Is My Girlfriend Using Me quiz now to find out if she is using you.

Questions Excerpt

1. Is she more likely to come around when she needs money or wants a free meal as opposed to being consistent with making plans to hang out with you?

A. No, our plans are pretty consistent and don’t seem motivated by money

B. Our plans are definitely not consistent, but I don’t think it has to do with money

C. Sometimes it seems that way, but not always

D. Yes, she definitely only commits to making plans when she wants me to pick up the tab

2. Do you feel you are always chasing after her trying to make plans and she is slowly fading away or becoming uninterested?

A. Not really, but sometimes I feel like I am trying harder than she is

B. Sometimes, she is always ghosting me or taking very long to respond to my calls/texts no matter how hard I try

C. Sometimes she seems interested and I don’t feel that way, but other times I feel like she is doing a slow fade, it depends

D. Yes, I definitely feel that way

3. Do you hang out more in a group or just the two of you?

A. Alone

B. We hang out more in a group, but not every time

C. Both

D. Definitely in a group

4. Do you feel a genuine connection and attraction between the two of you?

A. Yes, most of the time

B. Rarely

C. Sometimes

D. No, most of the time I do not

5. Does she seem to blow you off and when she does finally contact you, it is because she needs something?

A. Not really, we have pretty consistent communication

B. Yes, but most of the times she doesn’t even come to me when she needs something either, it depends

C. Sometimes

D. Yes, definitely

6. When you put the moves on her, does she flirt back?

A. Yes, most of the time

B. Rarely

C. Many times she will change the subject or just completely ignore my advances

D. No, not ever

7. Does she display certain body language that makes you feel like she is into you (i.e. fixing her hair, positioning her body in your direction/closer to you, straightening her clothes, reapplying makeup/lipstick, etc.)?

A. Yes, she does those things

B. I am not sure, but I don’t believe so

C. Sometimes

D. No, I never notice anything like that

8. Do you feel like she treats you more like a friend or a lover?

A. Definitely like a lover

B. I feel more like a friend most of the time, but not always

C. It depends, I have felt both ways

D. Definitely like a friend

9. Have other people in your life questioned her intentions or made comments about her using you or taking you for granted?

A. Not to me

B. Yes, several times

C. A few times

D. All the time

10. Do you feel used by her?

A. I don’t know

B. Most of the time I do

C. Sometimes

D. Yes I do

11. Does she often keep her life private and you only know a few parts of it?

A. Yes

B. I think she does

C. She has clear boundaries and we have discussed about it

D. Not in my case

12. Does she show emotional connection?

A. When needed

B. We’re exploring

C. Sometimes

D. Yes

13. Do you feel she manipulates you often?

A. Yes

B. She sometimes hides things

C. No, she is just a closed book

D. Not at all

14. Does the relationship feel one-sided?

A. Yes

B. Sometimes

C. She has conveyed her intentions of friendship but I doubt

D. Not at all

15. Do you pay all her bills?

A. Yes

B. Sometimes

C. Rarely

D. No

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