What Avoidant Attachment Looks Like In A Relationship Quiz

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10 Questions | Total Attempts: 32 | Updated: Jun 28, 2024
What Avoidant Attachment Looks Like in a Relationship Quiz

Do you value your independence above all in a relationship, or find yourself pulling away when things get too close? Avoidant attachment might be influencing your romantic interactions. 

This quiz is designed to help you identify traits of avoidant attachment in your relationships, exploring how it affects your dynamics with partners. Answer these questions to gain insights into your attachment style.

Questions Excerpt

1. How do you feel about sharing personal problems with your partner?

A. I prefer to deal with issues on my own.

B. I share, but sometimes I hesitate.

C. I openly share and seek their support.

2. What’s your usual response when a partner asks for more closeness?

A. I feel uncomfortable and pull back.

B. I try to accommodate, but it feels overwhelming.

C. I welcome the opportunity to grow closer.

3. How do you handle conflicts in relationships?

A. I withdraw or shut down.

B. I address it, but prefer quick resolutions to avoid discomfort.

C. I engage fully to resolve and understand issues.

4. What’s your view on spending time apart from your partner?

A. I need a lot of space and time alone.

B. I enjoy some time alone, but I'm okay spending time together too.

C. I prefer being together as much as possible.

5. How do you react if your partner expresses feelings of insecurity in the relationship?

A. It makes me want to distance myself.

B. I provide reassurance, but I feel pressured.

C. I try to comfort and reassure them as much as I can.

6. What is your approach to your partner's needs?

A. I find them demanding and sometimes unreasonable.

B. I meet them when I can, but I guard my independence.

C. I prioritize them and make sure to meet them consistently.

7. How do you feel about discussing future plans with your partner?

A. I avoid these discussions; they make me anxious.

B. I engage, but keep my feelings and commitments vague.

C. I enjoy planning our future together.

8. Your partner desires a deeper emotional connection. How do you respond?

A. I'm hesitant and prefer keeping things light.

B. I'm cautious but open to exploring it slowly.

C. I'm enthusiastic and see it as a positive step.

9. How often do you express affection physically and verbally?

A. Rarely, I'm not very comfortable with affection.

B. Occasionally, but I'm not overly expressive.

C. Frequently, I'm very affectionate.

10. When feeling stressed or overwhelmed, what’s your instinct regarding your partner?

A. To distance myself and handle it alone.

B. To seek some advice, but mainly cope on my own.

C. To seek their comfort and discuss my feelings.

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