Am I Clingy Quiz? Editorial Team
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15 Questions | Total Attempts: 2602 | Updated: Aug 17, 2022
 Am I Clingy Quiz?

When we are in love with someone, it is natural to drawn to them. Spending time with them and maintaining constant contact with them. However, we might cross our limits and start imposing on the other person.

Your partner may get irritating and annoying if they start acting clingy and give you no space. 

If you’ve had moments where your partner’s reactions make you wonder if you’re being too clingy, then it is better to reflect on your actions a bit. This is a common problem for many, especially when they are dealing with certain insecurities. Take this ‘Am I clingy’ quiz to see if you’re clingy or just care too much.

Questions Excerpt

1. Do you sit by your phone, waiting for them to text you back?

A. Yes

B. No, but I do get upset if they don’t reply instantly

C. Nah, I've got my own life to worry about

2. Does your partner remind you that they have a life and will get back to you when they can?

A. Nah, but sometimes I want to text him again to see if he’s alright

B. No, we’ve never had that convo

C. Yeah, a few times

3. If you don't get a text or message back, do you assume the worst?

A. No, of course not

B. I sometimes do after a while

C. Yes, I worry that he’s mad at me

4. Do you assume your partner is blowing you off if they aren’t talking to you?

A. Yes

B. Not all the time but sometimes

C. Nah, they’ve got their own things to take care of

5. Do you get jealous when they go out without you around?

A. No, I go out with my own friends

B. No, but sometimes I want to be included

C. Yeah, I hate when they don't include me

6. When they do go out, do you text them a lot to see how it is going?

A. No, I do my own thing

B. Yes, a few times

C. Sometimes I may ask, but it’s not all the time

7. Do you ask prying questions when they go out?

A. Yeah, I want to know what’s going on

B. Nah, they’ll tell me when they tell me

C. No, but sometimes I feel the urge to

8. Do you drive out to their favorite hangouts frequently to check on them?

A. No, of course not

B. Yeah, I have before

C. No, but I get the urge to sometimes

9. Do you only spend time and make time for your partner?

A. Yeah, I always want to be near them

B. Nah, I make time for friends

C. No, but sometimes I get the urge to only be near them

10. Do you feel like you’re only focusing on their happiness and not your own?

A. No, I am happy

B. No, but I can feel sometimes I do things just for them

C. Yeah, I feel like their happiness is what matters the most to me

11. When at a party, do you stick to your partner at all times?

A. Yes, I make sure that we are attached at the hip

B. No, we often separate to hang out with people separately

C. Sometimes we hang out separately but it makes me nervous

12. Do you follow all that they do on social media?

A. Yes, I can become obsessive about it

B. No, not at all

C. I don’t because I don’t have the time

13. Are you the one who is always pushing to take things to the next level in your relationship?

A. Yes, it is always me

B. No, I like for these things to naturally happen

C. I would like to do that but fear judgment

14. Have you been able to make time for your hobbies?

A. No, I’ve somehow not been able to spend much time doing that

B. Yes, I make sure of it

C. Sometimes, but I prefer spending time with my partner

15. Do you still make time for your friends and family?

A. No, they often remind me that I don’t spend enough time with them

B. em - P1 Yes, I make sure of it

C. Yes, but only when they make the plan

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