Enmeshed Family Quiz

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10 Questions | Total Attempts: 1189 | Updated: Jun 12, 2024
Enmeshed family quiz

Enmeshed families are families that are nodependent on each other and have unhealthy attachments with each other. These unhealthy habits may not be incest but may seem like it. When parents fail to see their grown-up children as individuals, the relationship becomes complicated.You might be unknowingly too close to your siblings or other family members, which can have adverse effects on your personal relationships later on. Unhealthy enmeshed attachment can isolate you from others and make you resistant to forming bonds with other adults. Take this enmeshed family quiz to know if your family is indeed moving in the wrong direction. 

Questions Excerpt

1. Does your family force you to make decisions against your will?

A. Sometimes

B. No, they do not

C. Yes, they do

2. Have your siblings been inappropriate with you around other people?

A. Yes, all the time

B. Sometimes

C. Not really

3. Have you ever found it hard to share your private thoughts with a partner?

A. I used to, but not anymore

B. Yes, I struggle a lot

C. Sometimes

4. What is the first thing you do when you feel like giving up?

A. I call my close people

B. I always call my family

C. I keep it in

5. Does your family get unreasonably loud when proving a point?

A. Yes, they do

B. No, they don’t

C. Sometimes

6. Does your family talk a lot about family wealth and expenses?

A. Yes, they do

B.  No, they do not

C. Yes, everyone is worried

7. Have others passed negative remarks about your family that you sort of agree with?

A. Yes, and I agree that we are clingy

B. Yes, but I think our boundaries are healthy

C. Yes, and I think my siblings can be really inappropriate

8. Does your family constantly force you to take classes, or jobs, that you know will be unhealthy for your mental health?

A. Yes, they are pretty persistent 

B. Sometimes, they end up putting a lot of pressure

C. Not really, but they often make the right suggestions

9. Do you feel that you will not make it without your family?

A. Yes, I do 

B. I am waiting to break free

C. Sometimes 

10. Are you a reserved person outside of your family?

A.  Yes, I am

B. I am generally reserved

C. No, I am pretty social

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