Is Your Boyfriend Abusive Quiz? Editorial Team
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10 Questions | Total Attempts: 20 | Updated: Feb 24, 2022
 Is Your Boyfriend Abusive Quiz?
Relationships are supposed to enlighten and make us better. Any other effect that doesn’t translate into growth and development shouldn’t be tolerated. rnAbusive boyfriends don’t just violate you physically, and it can sometimes be sexually, emotionally, etc. How do you identify the signs of an abusive boyfriend? Take this quiz.

Questions Excerpt

1. Does your boyfriend question your fidelity ?

A. Yes, all the time 

B. Occasionally

C. Sometimes

2. Do you feel physically threatened around him?

A. Often

B. Not often

C. Always

3. Does your boyfriend constantly nag?

A. Yes all the time

B. Sometimes

C. Ver often

4. Do you feel pressured?

A. Yes all the time

B. Sometimes

C. Ver often

5. Are you scared of committing a blunder?

A. Yes all the time

B. Sometimes

C. Not at all

6.  Is your partner hot tempered?

A. Yes he normally is 

B. Sometimes

C. No he isn't

7. Are you terrified of your partner?

A. Yes, all the time

B. Not at all

C. Yes, sometimes

8. Does your boyfriend compare you to others unfavorably?

A. Very often

B. Not often

C. Sometimes

9. Does your partner blame you for all the problems in the relationship?

A. He blame me all the time

B. Sometimes he does

C. He does occasionally

10. Does your partner check on you all the time and demand to know who you see?

A. Yes all the time

B. Sometimes

C. Occasionally

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