How To Tell If My Boyfriend Is Gay Quiz Editorial Team
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15 Questions | Total Attempts: 26453 | Updated: Nov 05, 2024
How to Tell if My Boyfriend Is Gay Quiz

Wondering if your boyfriend might be gay or if it’s just your own insecurities? You’re not alone—many people have these questions for various reasons. Whether it’s subtle signs, a change in your relationship, or simply an unexplained gut feeling, this question can naturally arise.

Sometimes, such feelings stem from valid observations, while other times, they’re fueled by personal anxieties. You might find yourself questioning whether he’s fully invested in your relationship or if he’s staying out of convenience, despite having no concrete reasons to believe otherwise. For those in relationships with bisexual partners, it’s common to experience doubts, especially when times are tough.

So, how can you tell if your boyfriend might be gay, bisexual, simply metrosexual, or perhaps just not as into the relationship? Take this quiz to gain some clarity and see if your concerns hold weight.

Questions Excerpt

1. Has your boyfriend ever said anything to you about liking men or indicated that he may have been curious about or attracted to men when he was younger?

A. No, we never had a conversation like this

B. Yes

C. He stated that he likes both men and women

D. He completely denies it

2. In a public place, who do you think your boyfriend would notice or make comments about?

A. The women

B. The men

C. Both women and men

D. I am not sure

3. Does your boyfriend ever make any homophobic comments?

A. Not that I can remember

B. Yes, he has made comments

C. No, he has a lot of gay friends

D. Not really; he just gets mad when people suggest he is gay

4. Does your boyfriend watch gay porn, or has he watched it in the past?

A. Not that I know of; it’s strictly heterosexual

B. Yes, he has

C. I never asked, but I would guess he has watched both

D. No, never

5. Have you ever caught him doing anything online or through an app that made you question his sexuality?

A. No, never

B. Yes

C. Not anything I know for sure, just suspicion

D. No, never

6. Does your boyfriend seem sexually attracted to you or interested in getting intimate with you?

A. No

B. Sometimes, but it seems forced

C. Most of the time, he does

D. Yes, definitely

7. Has your boyfriend ever been intimate with a man?

A. No, definitely not

B. I think so based on what I’ve heard, but he has never said so

C. Yes

D. I am not sure. I don’t think so

8. Does your boyfriend’s mannerisms, lack of masculinity, appearance, or how much time he spends on himself looking good have anything to do with your suspicions?

A. No, not at all

B. Somewhat

C. Not really

D. Yes, definitely

9. Is your boyfriend more touchy-feely with other men than you are comfortable with?

A. No, not that I've noticed

B. Yes, definitely

C. Sometimes

D. Rarely

10. Does he seem preoccupied with other people’s sexuality or seem very interested when other people talk about coming out/homosexual encounters?

A. No, he seems uncomfortable with conversations like that

B. Yes, always

C. Sometimes

D. Rarely

11. Has your boyfriend been emotionally unavailable?

A. Recently

B. Always

C. Sometimes

D. Never

12. Do his fantasies involve other men?

A. I don't think so

B. Sometimes

C. Mostly

D. Never

13. Does he check out other men or women?

A. Women always

B. Both of them

C. Mostly men

D. Mostly women

14. Have you noticed him sharing intimacy beyond friendship with men?

A. No

B. A few times

C. Yes

D. I don't remember

15. Do you feel confident in confronting him about his sexuality?

A. I am scared to confront him as he might be gay

B. I am not comfortable as he might not like it

C. I don't have to confront him; I already know

D. I don't think he would mind, but he won't tell the truth

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