Am I Attracted To My Boyfriend Quiz Editorial Team
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20 Questions | Total Attempts: 9112 | Updated: Dec 13, 2024
Am I Attracted to My Boyfriend Quiz

Most of the time, relationships are hard. That's why it is recommended to have common goals along the way, to talk more and to try new things together whenever you can. Added to that you may also discover along the way that you are just not connected or attracted to your partner because you have nothing in common or you just can’t get along. 

So, are you even attracted to your lover? Take our ‘Am I attracted to my boyfriend’ quiz and find out the truth now.

Questions Excerpt

1. Do you end up smiling every time you look at your boyfriend in a public setting?

A. Yes, I can’t help it

B. No, not really

C. It used to happen before

D. Yes, it does sometimes

2. What happens when you see him after a long day?

A. I feel excited and relaxed

B. I remember when I used to feel that way

C. I feel happy but too exhausted to engage much

D. I feel neutral or distant

3. How often do you prioritize spending quality time together?

A. Frequently; it’s very important to me

B. I used to, but it doesn’t feel as necessary now

C. I try, but it’s challenging with my schedule

D. Rarely, because I don’t feel like it anymore

4. When you think about spending the future with your boyfriend, what comes to mind?

A. Excitement and joy

B. Nostalgia for how things were

C. Mixed feelings due to lack of time

D. Doubts and discomfort

5. What is your reaction when he surprises you with something thoughtful?

A. I feel deeply touched and happy

B. It reminds me of how things used to be

C. I appreciate it but often feel distracted

D. I feel indifferent or slightly annoyed

6. How do you feel about physical intimacy with your boyfriend?

A. I always look forward to it

B. It used to be exciting, but now it feels routine

C. I enjoy it but rarely have time for it

D. I don’t feel the desire anymore

7. Do you constantly look forward to meeting him if you’ve been away for a little while?

A. Yes, totally

B. No, not really

C. I used to feel this way

D. Sometimes

8. Are there times when your partner makes you feel shy and blush?

A. Yes, it happens

B. No, not really

C. It happened only at the beginning of our relationship

D. In rare moments

9. Are you still curious and interested in all aspects of his personality and life?

A. Yes, I want to know everything about him

B. No, not at all

C. I used to be interested in the past

D. I am but I usually don’t have the time to listen

10. Do you constantly want to be physically close to your boyfriend?

A. Yes, truly

B. No, not at all

C. Sometimes

D. In the past I used to do that

11. Are you physically attracted to your lover?

A. No

B. Sometimes

C. I don't know

D. Yes

12. Are you madly in love with your boyfriend?

A. Yes

B. No

C. Sometimes

D. Maybe

13. Do you send sexy pictures to your lover all the time?

A. Yes, of course

B. I try to

C. Sometimes

D. Not really

14. Do you send sexy messages to your boyfriend all the time?

A. Yes, all the time

B. Sometimes

C. When in the mood

D. No, he doesn't deserve it

15. Do you tell your lover that you love him all the time?

A. Yes, all the time

B. No

C. Sometimes

D. Rarely

16. Do you baby your lover a bit too much?

A. Yes, it's possible

B. Not a chance

C. I don't think so

D. Maybe

17. Are you cuddly with your lover?

A. Yes

B. Sometimes

C. Not really

D. Not at all

18. Do you like hugging your lover?

A. Yes, all the time

B. No

C. Maybe

D. It's possible

19. Do you want your lover to be with you all the time?

A. Yes

B. No

C. Sometimes

D. I don't know

20. Do you get jealous of all the women who try to get too close to your man?

A. Yes, of course

B. No, what a waste of time

C. Not really

D. Sometimes

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