Is My Boyfriend Too Possessive Quiz Editorial Team
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15 Questions | Total Attempts: 2960 | Updated: May 07, 2024
Is My Boyfriend Too Possessive Quiz

At the beginning of a relationship, it's easy to see a partner's protective actions as signs of love and care. It feels nice to be so cherished and defended, right? But there's a thin line between being protective and being overly possessive. Sometimes, what starts off as sweet gestures can slowly turn into actions that feel restricting and controlling. If you're starting to feel more like you're under surveillance than in a partnership, it might be time to ask yourself: Is this protectiveness, or is it crossing into possessiveness? This 'Is my boyfriend too possessive' quiz is designed to help you figure out just that. So, are you curious to see where your boyfriend lands on the scale? Let's dive in and find out.

Questions Excerpt

1. If you are going somewhere, with your boyfriend or without your boyfriend, does he have control over what you wear?

A. Sometimes he makes comments, but I usually don’t listen

B. No

C. Yes

2. Does he want you to spend every available second with him?

3. Do they have very sporadic and unpredictable mood changes?

A. Rarely

B. Sometimes

C. Most of the time

4. Does he try to set limits or restrictions on everything you do and how you behave?

A. No

B. Sometimes

C. Yes

5. Do you feel like you have no privacy or that you always have to prove you are not cheating?

A. Rarely

B. Sometimes

C. Yes

6. If you have other plans or aren’t able to hang out with him, does he get upset?

A. Rarely

B. Sometimes

C. Yes

7. Does he try to emotionally manipulate you, become increasingly demanding, or get very defensive when you have a disagreement?

A. Sometimes

B. Frequently

C. Always

8. Does he have his own life outside of you and your relationship?

A. Yes

B. Somewhat

C. No

9. Do you feel like he is always trying to make decisions for you or acting like you can’t be trusted making important life decisions?

A. Rarely

B. Sometimes

C. Frequently

10. Is he overly critical or jealous of any of your male friends?

A. Sometimes

B. Frequently

C. Always

11. How does he react when you receive a message or call from someone he doesn't know?

A. He's curious but trusts me.

B. He asks who it is but doesn't press further.

C. He demands to know who it is and to see the message or call history.

12. Does he insist on having all your social media passwords?

A. No, he respects my privacy.

B. He's hinted at it but hasn't insisted.

C. Yes, he says it's for our mutual trust.

13. How does he feel about you having hobbies and interests outside of the relationship?

A. He encourages it and shows interest in my hobbies.

B. He's okay with it but prefers we spend more time together.

C. He's unsupportive or jealous of the time I spend on them.

14. Does he monitor your whereabouts and want constant updates when you're not together?

A. No, he trusts me to share my whereabouts if necessary.

B. Sometimes, especially if I'm out late.

C. Yes, he always needs to know exactly where I am and who I'm with.

15. How does he react if you talk or hang out with friends without him?

A. He's happy for me and sometimes joins in.

B. He's a bit uneasy but doesn't stop me.

C. He gets upset or tries to dissuade me from going.

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