How Strong Are Your Communication Skills As A Couple Quiz? Editorial Team
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15 Questions | Total Attempts: 1000 | Updated: Nov 22, 2022
 How Strong Are Your Communication Skills as a Couple Quiz?

Communication is the key to successful relationships, whether we talk about marriage or friendships or any other interaction between humans. One of the reasons we invest time and effort in developing relations is our need to communicate feelings and ideas to people we care about. On the other hand, it’s the lack of effective communication that breaks relationships and marriages often fail because the two partners don’t engage in authentic communication. 

Take this quiz to find out how strong are your communication skills as a couple.

Questions Excerpt

1. What is active listening for you?

A. Being engaged in what my partner is saying without judging

B. Not missing even a word of what they have to say

C. Just showing your partner you are paying attention to their words

D. Listening carefully so that you can prepare some good counterarguments

2. Your partner has done something wrong. What is your reaction?

A. I gently provide my opinion on the issue

B. I express disappointment

C. I give them the cold shoulder

D. I criticize and call them names

3. Which of the following statements would you choose?

A. You are a considerate person, but calling my sister an idiot was not considerate

B. I feel hurt by you calling my sister an idiot

C. You are never able to hold your tongue, are you?

D. You are the idiot, not my sister!

4. What is your primary intention in an argument?

A. To be kind

B. To listen to what my partner has to say

C. To prove I am right

D. To defeat my partner

5. Do you feel you and your partner have managed to find a common language?

A. Absolutely

B. Most times

C. Sometimes

D. Rarely

6. Do you ever say 'I am fine' even if you are not?

A. Never

B. Sometimes

C. Often

D. Always

7. What happens if you and your partner can’t agree on a topic?

A. We agree to disagree and refuse to fight

B. We are upset for a while but we get over it

C. We keep fighting until someone gives in

D. We break up

8. Do you feel at peace with yourself when it comes to couples issues?

A. Yes, absolutely

B. Mostly yes

C. Not really

D. Not at all

9. You are angry for some reason and your partner steps in. What happens?

A. I express exactly what's bothering me

B. I am more reserved than usually

C. I ignore my partner

D. I take it out on my partner

10. How often do negative emotions take over your couple communication?

A. Rarely

B. Sometimes

C. Often

D. All the time

11. Have you told your partner about your past traumas?

A. Yes, of course

B. Yes, I’ve managed to share some of them

C. I haven’t because I get nervous

D. I haven’t because I don’t feel safe doing that

12. If someone starts flirting with you, do you inform your partner?

A. Yes, I let them know immediately

B. Yes, if it’s anything consequential

C. It depends on who it is

D. No, I don’t feel the need to

13. Can you rightly assess your partner’s mood by reading their body language?

A. Yes, I understand it and try to be considerate towards them

B. Yes, I can read them currently most of the time

C. I’m not sure

D. No, I can’t read their body language

14. Do your friends and family think that you and your partner are going to last?

A. Yes, absolutely

B. Yes, I think so

C. I’m not sure

D. No, not really

15. Have you and your partner gotten into a fight with each other, in front of other people?

A. No, not at all

B. Not really

C. Yes, a couple of times

D. Yes, all the time

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