Are You An Empath? Editorial Team
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10 Questions | Total Attempts: 305 | Updated: Feb 24, 2022
Are You an Empath?
As might be surmised from the name, an empath is someone who has a lot of empathy. An empath is someone who is highly conscious of other people’s emotions and often experiences the emotions of others along with them. Empaths have a different view of the world than others; they are aware of what is going on with other people, what they need emotionally, and what causes them pain. However, if you are not an empath, this does not mean that you don’t have empathy! Empaths are just prone to being hyper-aware of other’s needs for compassion.

Questions Excerpt

1. You walk into a kinda dirty, dark grimy dive bar. What is your reaction?

A. I need to leave this is a bit overwhelming, I don’t like the vibe

B. This is little gross, but I’m here to meet friends, I’ll get used to it

C. I love dive bars

2. Do you love to spend time in nature?

A. I like a good hike now and then, nature can be very rejuvenating.

B. I wouldn’t say I love it so much as I NEED it, I have to surround myself with beauty sometimes

C. I’d prefer a crowded city street

3. You see an adorable baby in public, how do you react?

A. OHHHHH MYYYYY GAWWWWWDDD!!! A BABY!!! AHHH!!!! SOOOOO CUTEEEE! I can’t take my eyes away.

B. I don’t really notice, I don’t get babies

C. Oh, that’s cute, but I’m not gonna make a big deal, it might make the caretakers uncomfortable.

4. There is a horrific story on the news, how does it affect you?

A. It’s news, I just watch it

B. If it’s really horrific I might be affected some, but I will get through it quickly

C. Sometimes it can ruin my day

5. Your friend is having a problem, who do they turn to?

A. Absolutely, I’m always the first person a friend comes to.

B. Definitely not me

C. Sometimes me, but not all my friends all the time

6. You have just met someone with a completely different point of view than you, what do you think of them?

A. I don’t get them at all.

B. I understand that they are different and a bit about why, but I don’t fully see their side.

C. I totally get where they are coming from even if they can’t fully articulate it, that doesn’t mean I necessarily change, but I can understand

7. Have you ever been publicly overwhelmed by emotions without warning?

A. Yes, I find myself suddenly crying in public and I can’t pinpoint why.

B. That would be weird, absolutely not

C. I might feel something suddenly, but I’m quickly able to suppress it before I express it.

8. Can you tell when someone is lying?

A. Easily

B. Almost never

C. Sometimes I get an inkling, but I’m not sure.

9. Do some people just totally drain you?

A. Not really, I find myself really energized around others

B. Not totally, I don’t let it get that bad, but I have to be aware with some people

C. Yes, sometimes I’m with a person and I need to just leave and take a long nap no matter the time of day.

10. A new person enters the room, their eyes are downcast and their arms are crossed over their body, what do you do?

A. Nothing, I probably don’t even notice them.

B. I notice them and clock that they might be a bit upset, but I temper my response, I don’t need to get involved.

C. Oh no! I hope they are okay, I wonder if I should go check in on them, maybe I will, but I can ease into it.

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