Should I Apologize Quiz Editorial Team
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10 Questions | Total Attempts: 212 | Updated: Feb 24, 2022
Should I Apologize Quiz
Humans are prone to making mistakes. No one is without flaws. Even when we don't mean to offend people, our actions and words tend to do so. If such situations go unaddressed, they can lead to confrontations, misunderstandings, and even the destruction of the peace and calm we enjoy. rnWe should not allow the tranquility that we enjoy to be taken away from us, especially if we have the power to remedy the problem. A simple apology works like magic; it settles nerves and brings the conversation close. However, this simple apology can become too much for our mouth to bear at times. We are sometimes hesitant to apologize. We also have the impression that certain people do not deserve our apologies. Do you find yourself questioning, "Should I apologize?" rnThen tag along, let's take this quiz!

Questions Excerpt

1. Who do you argue the most with?

A. My husband

B. My sibling

C. My friend

2. How often do you argue?

A. Ver often

B. Often

C. Occasionally

3. What stance do you take in an argument?

A. Defensive

B. Apologetic

C. Nonchalant

4. Who is always likely to start the argument?

A. I do

B. He does

C. It depends

5. Who is always the victim?

A. He is 

B. I am 

C. No one

6. How do you resolve your misunderstanding?

A. They apologize

B. I apologize

C. We just go past it

7. Do you keep malice after a fight?

A. No I don't

B. Yes, I do 

C. Sometimes

8. Do you involve third parties in your misunderstandings?

A. No we don't

B. Yes, we do 

C. Sometimes

9. How do you register your displeasure?

A. I argue

B. I give silent treatment

C. I complain and grumble

10. What is the root cause of most of your arguments?

A. Pride

B. Irresponsibility

C. Poor communication

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