How Much Does Your Wife Or Girlfriend Mean To You? Editorial Team
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10 Questions | Total Attempts: 210 | Updated: Feb 24, 2022
How Much Does Your Wife Or Girlfriend Mean To You?
Are you in a relationship? Are you two deeply in love? Do you really love her? Take this quiz and find out how much she means to you!

Questions Excerpt

1. How long are you in a relationship?

A. 0-1 years

B. 2-4 years

C. 5-10 years

D. 10 +

2. How do you show your love to her?

A. A hug

B. A long romantic kiss

C. A peck

D. Taking her out and kissing her

3. How much does your girlfriend mean to you?

A. Couldn't think of anything else that means more to me than her

B. Doesn't mean anything at all to me

C. She means everything to me

D. Doesn't mean that much

4. How much do you think of her? 

A. Never

B. Every second of every day

C. Only when I have free time to think

D. Sometimes, maybe at night

5. Have you ever told your girlfriend that you love her?

A. No, I sometimes get pretty nervous to say it

B. I always tell her that I love her

C. I have never said that

D. Yes

6. Do you go out often?

A. Yes

B. Sometimes

C. Rarely

D. No

7. Are you afraid to talk to her?

A. Yeah, she's special to me and I don't want to mess things up

B. No, she's just a person

C. Only when my friends aren't around us, then I get nervous

D. Sometimes

8. Why do you like her, or why is she special to you?

A. I like her smile I guess

B. I don't know, there's just something special there

C. She's hot

D. She can make a good thing out of any situation

9. Where would you take her for a first date?

A. Cinema

B. A nice restaurant

C. To the park for a walk

D. Back to my place to watch me play video games

10. Would you ever marry your girlfriend in the future?

A. I hope I would

B. I don't know

C. Maybe

D. No

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