How Healthy Is Your Relationship Quiz

Imani Bowman
Verified Marriage & Family Therapist Reviewed By
Imani Bowman, LPC
Imani Bowman
Licensed Professional Counselor
Verified Marriage & Family Therapist Review Board Member

Imani enjoys working with children, families, and individuals. She is especially passionate about working with pre-teens, teenagers, and young adults as they transition through... Read More

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15 Questions | Total Attempts: 36 | Updated: Jul 29, 2024
How Healthy Is Your Relationship Quiz

Discover the strength of your partnership with our 'How healthy is your relationship?' quiz. In just a few minutes, gain insights into your relationship's dynamics, communication, and emotional health. It's a simple, engaging way to reflect on your bond and find areas for growth together. Give it a try!

Questions Excerpt

1. How often do you fight with your partner?

A. Always

B. Sometimes

C. Rarely

D. Never

2. Do you trust the advice your partner gives you?

A. Always

B. Almost always

C. Sometimes

D. Almost never

3. How often do you go out?

A. Every day

B. Every weekend

C. Every month

D. Not so often

4. When I share my problems with my partner, I know he/she will respond in a loving way even before I say anything.

A. 1 (strongly agree)

B. 2

C. 3

D. 4 (strongly disagree)

5. Does your partner introduce you to his/her friends?

A. Always, we share many friends in common

B. Most of his/her friends

C. Only a few

D. Never

6. Do you vacation together?

A. Always

B. Sometimes

C. Most of the time

D. No, we do our own vacations with our own friends.

7. I can rely on my partner to keep the promises he/she makes to me.

A. Always

B. Sometimes

C. Rarely

D. Never

8. The person I’m with understands that I have my own life too.

A. 1 (strongly agree)

B. 2

C. 3

D. 4 (strongly disagree)

9. When your partner accuses you of something or voices a grievance do you:

A. Counter with my own issues and accuse my partner back

B. Calmly listen, explain myself and apologize if appropriate

C. Listen but refute the claims

D. Ignore the comments and my partner

10. Are you happy in your relationship?

A. Always

B. Most of the time

C. Sometimes

D. Not really

11. How do you handle disagreements?

A. We discuss calmly and find a solution

B. We argue but resolve it quickly

C. We rarely agree and it lingers

D. We avoid talking about it

12. How often do you express appreciation for each other?

A. Daily

B. Often

C. Occasionally

D. Rarely

13. Do you feel comfortable sharing your fears and insecurities with your partner?

A. Absolutely, always

B. Mostly, yes

C. Sometimes, but not always

D. No, I don't feel comfortable

14. How do you feel about your partner’s habits and quirks?

A. I love them, they're endearing

B. They're okay, I tolerate them

C. Some bother me

D. They're intolerable

15. How often do you laugh together?

A. All the time

B. Frequently

C. Occasionally

D. Rarely

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