Are You A Good Spouse Quiz Editorial Team
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10 Questions | Total Attempts: 88 | Updated: Mar 15, 2024
Are You a Good Spouse Quiz

The ‘Are You a Good Spouse’ quiz is designed to help you reflect on your role as a spouse and understand how your actions and attitudes contribute to your marriage. Each question focuses on different aspects of being a supportive partner, from communication and understanding to support and affection. 

Be honest with yourself as you answer these questions, and remember that this quiz is a tool for self-reflection and growth. Let's find out how you're doing in your role as a spouse!

Questions Excerpt

1. When your spouse is talking about their day or problems, how do you usually respond?

A. I listen attentively and offer support or advice if needed

B. I listen, but I often get distracted or think about other things

C. I half-listen and wait for them to finish

D. I change the subject or find an excuse to leave

2. How do you handle disagreements with your spouse?

A. We discuss our views calmly and try to reach a compromise

B. We argue, but we usually find a way to make up afterwards

C. Our disagreements often turn into big fights

D. I avoid confrontation and keep my feelings to myself

3. How often do you make an effort to show your spouse that you love and appreciate them?

A. Regularly, through words, gestures, and actions

B. Occasionally, when I remember or feel like it

C. Rarely, I'm not very expressive

D. Almost never; I assume they know how I feel

4. How do you support your spouse's personal growth and ambitions?

A. I encourage and support them whenever possible

B. I support them, but I'm not involved much in their endeavors

C. I'm indifferent; I have my own things to worry about

D. I discourage them; their ambitions are unrealistic

5. How do you handle household responsibilities and chores?

A. We share the responsibilities equally or based on our availability and strengths

B. I do my part, but I often need reminders or nudging

C. I do the bare minimum or whatever my spouse can't handle

D. I leave most of the chores to my spouse

6. How often do you plan or suggest activities to spend quality time together?

A. Frequently; I enjoy planning dates or outings for us

B. Occasionally; when I think about it or when we have free time

C. Rarely; I prefer doing my own things

D. Never; I expect my spouse to take the initiative

7. How do you react when your spouse is going through a tough time?

A. I am there for them, offering comfort and help

B. I try to be supportive, but I'm not sure what to do

C. I give them space, assuming they'll sort it out themselves

D. I avoid them; I don't handle stress well

8. How often do you express gratitude towards your spouse?

A. Regularly; I make it a point to acknowledge their efforts and qualities

B. Now and then, especially when they've done something noticeable

C. Seldom; I'm not used to expressing thanks

D. Almost never; I think it's unnecessary

9. How do you deal with your own stress or bad moods?

A. I try to manage it myself without letting it affect our relationship

B. I sometimes lash out but apologize afterward

C. My mood often affects how I treat my spouse

D. I take out my frustrations on my spouse

10. How often do you communicate openly with your spouse about your feelings, plans, and worries?

A. Almost always; I believe open communication is key

B. Sometimes, but I find it difficult to share everything

C. Rarely; I keep most things to myself

D. Never; I don't see the point in sharing

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