6 Ways to Appreciate and Value Your Spouse
Successful relationships tend to have similar characteristics and qualities. These can vary in how they present, but generally speaking, couples who engage in joyful and positive connections share several elements.
Appreciating your spouse is a binding factor in relationships. Showing your spouse you appreciate and value them can be challenging; every person likes to receive affection and appreciation differently.
Take a look at the following elements of a connected and positive relationship, then look at your own to evaluate whether or not these are present.
1. Prioritize
Life is often busy. We often get lost in the shuffle between work, school, activities and interests, and family responsibilities. This can make it much more challenging to see and meet the needs or wants of your spouse. Appreciating your spouse is the last thing to cross your mind.
No activity or responsibility should be more important than the person you love. When your daily life becomes hectic, take a few minutes to prioritize your day or week.
Have you included time to address the needs of your spouse? It is essential to make the person who is your partner your priority – it is important to keep your priorities straight! Do not let anyone or anything get in the way of making time for your spouse and giving appreciation.
2. Quality time
Speaking of time, quality time is essential to keeping any relationship healthy. There is no space to grow, change, and evolve together without it. It is the time set aside with intention that is most important. You are saying to your spouse that not only are they important, but that you value every single moment spent by their side. Make it a point to put the phone down, disconnect from social media, and enjoy the time while appreciating your spouse.
Related Reading: Admiration Is an Essential Part of a Relationship
3. Vocal gratitude
It is not enough to say “thank you” sometimes. When your spouse has done something kind or gone out of the way to make the busyness of life just a tad bit simpler, take the time to start appreciating your spouse and truly express gratitude. Appreciate your wife or husband with a no holds barred approach. Sending appreciation quotes or relationships quotes to a boyfriend or spouse is good to get started.
Looking for ways to appreciate your wife? Appreciate them for their acts of kindness and thoughtfulness, and most importantly, thank them in both public and private. Quotes appreciating your partner can help you seek inspiration for creative ways to thank your partner with a love note nicely tucked along with a gift.
It need not be an expensive gift, though. Similarly, thanking your husband or wife should not be a chore but should come naturally. Thank them for being your pillar of strength, for helping you in any small and big ways they do.
Looking for appreciation ideas that don’t cost? Well, there are other priceless ways to appreciate your spouse. All you need to do is, sit down and journal down every possible “I value my partner because” reasons and hand that journal to your spouse. It will reflect how much you value your relationship and won’t cost a dime!
While appreciating your spouse, be specific about what you appreciate: “Thank you for mowing while I was at work today. I dreaded doing that when I came home, so it was a pleasant surprise when it was already done!” Thank them not just for what they do but for who they are: “Thank you for being so willing to listen when I came home from a bad day at work today. It made me feel valuable and important.”
4. Assistance in return
You should be willing to do the same for your partner. Take the time to ask about their day and truly listen, even if it is not attractive. Be supportive when your partner is hurting – remember, you are their safe place. Do something kind without seeking action in return; unselfish acts of kindness can be the most touching and create a unique sense of connectedness between partners, displaying your willingness toward appreciating your spouse.
Related Reading: Ways to Show Appreciation to the Love of Your Life
5. Public acknowledgment
Gratitude and kindness can uniquely communicate love and affection, such as appreciating your spouse in private. However, public acknowledgment of achievements or acts of service can create a whole new sense of appreciation. A partner who openly recognizes and praises their spouse in front of others makes a statement with witnesses, often strengthening the sincerity of thankfulness.
It often means more to the recipient if the statement is made without fear of who may be listening. Spouse appreciation, sometimes bordering on even unqualified praise, is all that is needed to infuse vigor and strength in your relationship.
6. “Before anyone else”
Put your partner first. Value your wife or husband. Nothing speaks of appreciation or value more than treating the person you love as if they are irreplaceable. The spouse who feels appreciated and valued by the person they have chosen to partner with is likely to engage in more physical intimacy and openness in communication. It is sometimes not enough to “invite” them to participate in a shared activity.
Sometimes it requires going outside of your comfort zone or putting the interests of your spouse ahead of your own. Please pay attention to what they enjoy and who they like being around. Going out of your way to put your spouse first in everything can have any number of benefits with minimal risk.
Strengthen your relationship with appreciation
While these strategies are not an exhaustive list of ways to show your spouse how much you appreciate and love them, they are simple and almost immediately effective for appreciating your spouse. Do not be afraid to go out of your way to show your partner they come first. Try to be consistent with using one or two of these approaches, and you may soon find yourself reaping the many benefits of selflessness in a relationship.
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