Am I Codependent On My Boyfriend Quiz Editorial Team
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10 Questions | Total Attempts: 65 | Updated: Dec 29, 2023
Am I Codependent on My Boyfriend Quiz

Love has the power to bring two people closer, but it can also blur the lines between healthy attachment and codependency. If you're curious about your level of dependency on your boyfriend, you've landed in the right spot. 

Our "Am I codependent on my boyfriend quiz" is here to add some clarity to this often misunderstood concept. Embark on a journey of self-exploration as we navigate the intricacies of your relationship and determine if your attachment style leans toward codependency or a balanced connection.

Questions Excerpt

1. How do you feel when your boyfriend spends time with friends or pursues his own interests without you?

A. I'm happy for him and enjoy my own activities during that time

B. I feel a bit uneasy but understand the importance of personal space

C. I get anxious or upset, feeling like I need to be with him constantly

2. How often do you decide based on what you think your boyfriend would prefer?

A. I make decisions independently based on my own preferences and values

B. I consider his preferences, but I still prioritize my own desires when making choices

C. I often make decisions solely based on what I think would make him happy

3. How do you typically react when you disagree or argue with your boyfriend?

A. I engage in open communication and respect each other's viewpoints

B. I feel uncomfortable but try to address the issue while avoiding confrontation

C. I get extremely anxious or go to great lengths to avoid any conflict

4. How often do you check in with your boyfriend throughout the day to ensure he's doing well?

A. I trust that he's okay and doesn't feel the need to check in constantly

B. I occasionally send a message or make a quick call to see how he's doing

C. I frequently check in to ensure his well-being and often worry when he doesn't respond promptly

5. Do you have individual goals and interests separate from your boyfriend?

A. Yes, I have my own goals, interests, and activities that are important to me

B. I have some individual interests, but they often revolve around our shared activities

C. I tend to prioritize our shared goals and interests over my own

6. How do you feel when your boyfriend compliments or praises you?

A. I appreciate the compliments but maintain a healthy self-esteem regardless

B. I feel good when he compliments me, but it doesn't significantly impact my self-worth

C. I heavily rely on his compliments for my sense of self-worth and validation

7. How much time do you spend thinking about your boyfriend when you're apart?

A. I think about him occasionally, but I'm also focused on my own life and interests

B. I think about him quite often, but I still have a balance between personal and shared thoughts

C. I constantly think about him and feel incomplete without his presence in my thoughts

8. Do you have friends and social connections outside of your relationship with your boyfriend?

A. Yes, I maintain my own friendships and social life independently

B. I have a few friends, but I tend to prioritize my relationships over social interactions

C. I've become somewhat isolated from friends and social activities due to my focus on the relationship

9. How do you handle situations where your boyfriend expresses a different opinion or makes a decision you disagree with?

A. I engage in open and respectful discussions, understanding that we can have differing opinions

B. I may feel uncomfortable, but address the issue and express my perspective

C. I often avoid conflicts or suppress my own opinions to keep him happy

10. How do you typically react when your boyfriend is going through a challenging time?

A. I offer support and empathy while also respecting his space and independence

B. I'm there for him, but I may feel anxious or overwhelmed by his difficulties

C. I become excessively anxious and take on his emotional burdens as my own

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