Marriage Quizzes - Page 141

Is My Ex Messing With My Head Quiz


Is My Ex Messing With My Head Quiz

If you are still in touch with your ex, whether on text or social media, you may be wondering if your ex is messing with your head. It can be hard to determine the reasons behind their actions, especially if there is a lack of trust that is already there. Your ex’s behavior can be confusing. Maybe they are just nice to you. They could be trying to hurt you or “get back” at you if there are unresolved emotions or grudges. Chances are also that they are doing neither and just being cordial with you, completely unaware of how it is making you feel. If you are confused if your ex is messing with your head, take this quiz.
Does My Husband Have Aspergeru2019s Quiz

Mental Health

Does My Husband Have Asperger's Quiz

Do you think your husband may have Asperger’s? If so, it could create ongoing difficulties in your relationship. Because Asperger’s is a condition that affects many areas of a person’s life, it may be more difficult for them to express emotions, feel emotions the way other people do and could have a significant effect on their social behavior and relationships. These challenges could be a lot of work in a relationship and create added stress over time. If you are wondering if this is the source of issues you have been facing in your relationship, take this quiz to determine if your husband  has Asperger’s
 Are You Single or Taken Quiz?


Are You Single or Taken Quiz?

The question we’re asking you today is, “Can someone tell when someone is single or taken just by their answers?” You may think this answer is simple, but it isn’t. rnPeople can say they are single one minute and then be married or in a relationship the next. You never know what life has in store. We would like you to take our single or taken quiz to see where your relationship stands.
Am I Destroying My Own Relationship Quiz


Am I Destroying My Own Relationship Quiz

There are countless questions about why relationships change so much over time and how you could go from being completely in love with someone to never wanting to speak to them again. Although it is unknown what exactly causes these changes, it is undoubtedly present in all relationships regardless of how much we want to maintain that passion and desire that was once there. While there is nothing that you could really do to prevent this from happening to some degree over time, some people actually contribute to the decline in their relationships. Certain unhealthy behaviors could actually destroy relationships without you even realizing it. So, if you are wondering, “Am I ruining my relationship”? Take this quiz to find out.
Quiz To Find Out The Importance Of Sex And Intimacy


Quiz To Find Out The Importance Of Sex And Intimacy

Physical intimacy is vital in a relationship – couples who are not compatible in bed end up separating at one point or the other. These days, both men and women expect their partners to keep them happy in bed, and yet maintaining closeness and a healthy sex life can be a challenge sometimes. Factors affecting couples’ sexual lives are becoming new parents, having differing sex drives, illness, lack of privacy at home, or stress at work. This quiz will tell you how well you are doing in terms of sex.
 What Is Your Partner Type Quiz?


What Is Your Partner Type Quiz?

Most people don't even think of asking this question, even though it could help a lot of people to correct themselves when it comes to how they behave with their partner. The truth is that some partners are abusive, neglectful, unfaithful, manipulative or just what we are looking for. 

We need to look at ourselves in order to see how we truly are in our relationships, this way we can pretend to be in our spouse's or partner's shoes for a day or more and perhaps decide to make some changes. 

If you wish to know how you are in your relationship, know how you are in a relationship. Take our ‘Determine Your Partner Type’ quiz now!

 Am I Being Emotionally Abused Quiz?

Mental Health

Am I Being Emotionally Abused Quiz?

Emotional abuse is difficult to notice, unlike physical abuse, as there are no conspicuous signs. But emotional abuse is as despicable as physical abuse and mustn’t be ignored!

So, do you feel that you are constantly being put down, controlled, or manipulated in your relationship? Do you feel like you are perpetually walking on eggshells? If so, you may be the victim of emotional abuse. 

Take this ‘Am I Being Emotionally Abused Quiz’ to find out if it is happening for real and take the necessary steps to prevent any further damage to your mental and emotional well-being.

 How Faithful Are You Quiz?


How Faithful Are You Quiz?

This how faithful are you quiz will guide you to find out if you are loyal to your partner not only through your actions but also through your thoughts! Sometimes we are unaware of the type of people we are. Are we monogamous, or do we scatter our seeds everywhere? Take this quiz to find out how faithful you are!