Marriage Quizzes - Page 141
Most people don't even think of asking this question, even though it could help a lot of people to correct themselves when it comes to how they behave with their partner. The truth is that some partners are abusive, neglectful, unfaithful, manipulative or just what we are looking for.
We need to look at ourselves in order to see how we truly are in our relationships, this way we can pretend to be in our spouse's or partner's shoes for a day or more and perhaps decide to make some changes.
If you wish to know how you are in your relationship, know how you are in a relationship. Take our ‘Determine Your Partner Type’ quiz now!
Emotional abuse is difficult to notice, unlike physical abuse, as there are no conspicuous signs. But emotional abuse is as despicable as physical abuse and mustn’t be ignored!
So, do you feel that you are constantly being put down, controlled, or manipulated in your relationship? Do you feel like you are perpetually walking on eggshells? If so, you may be the victim of emotional abuse.
Take this ‘Am I Being Emotionally Abused Quiz’ to find out if it is happening for real and take the necessary steps to prevent any further damage to your mental and emotional well-being.