Am I Ready To Be A Wife Quiz Editorial Team
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10 Questions | Total Attempts: 513 | Updated: Feb 24, 2022
Am I Ready to Be a Wife Quiz
Getting married is a big step in any relationship. You are committing to staying with your partner and spending your future with them. Even though the prospect of marriage can seem scary, if your relationship is strong and you feel like your partner is 'the one,' it can be a gratifying step up to your existing relationship. So, do you often wonder- am I ready to be a wife? No worries! Take this quiz and find out now!

Questions Excerpt

1. Are you comfortable with your partner?

A. Yes!

B. Only on some days

C. No, not really

2. Do you and your partner have inside jokes with each other?

A. Yes, we make ourselves laugh!

B. Only a few

C. No, not at all

3. Are you still searching for a better partner?

A. Yes, I can't be tied down to just one!

B. I'm not sure

C. No, I've found 'the one'!

4. Do you fight a lot with your partner?

A. Yes, all the time

B. Sometimes

C. No, not a lot

5. Do you and your partner appreciate each other?

A. Yes!

B. Only sometimes

C. No, never

6. Are you and your partner financially stable?

A. Yes, we have everything in order

B. We're trying to get it together

C. No, we're a mess

7. Do you make an effort to try new things together?

A. Yes, we love it!

B. Only a few times

C. No, we hardly have any common interests

8. Have you and your partner talked about the future?

A. Yes, we talk all the time!

B. We talk about it only sometimes

C. No, we don't

9. Does talking about the future with your partner scare you or excite you?

A. It's so exciting!

B. It's somewhere in between

C. It's very scary

10. Do you get along well with your partner's friends or close relatives?

A. Yes!

B. Only with a few of them

C. No, not at all

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