Have I Lost Myself In My Relationship Quiz?

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10 Questions | Total Attempts: 524 | Updated: May 20, 2022
 Have I Lost Myself in My Relationship Quiz?

We can quickly lose our sense of self when we have too much fun. In other words, when we indulge ourselves in a relationship intensely, we forget the sanctity of our own health. You may be deeply in love with your partner, but you could forget to love yourself. You may take great care of your partner, but forget to care for yourself or even others. It's important to consider both parties in a romantic bond, since neglecting the other can have a heavy impact on the relationship. You asked, "Have I lost myself in my relationship" and taking this short quiz is your answer.

Questions Excerpt

1. Have you changed drastically within the relationship?

A. No

B. Somewhat

C. Yes

2. Do you notice a negative change in yourself?

A. No

B. Somewhat

C. Definitely

3. Do you feel comfortable in your new self?

A. I have not changed

B. I don't know

C. No

4. Have others noticed a negative change in you during the relationship?

A. No

B. Somewhat

C. Yes

5. Do you notice a change in your habits and preferences?

A. Not at all

B. Kinda

C. Yes

6. When you do things in the relationship, does it truly fulfill you?

A. Yes

B. It depends

C. No

7. Do you end up doing the things you love?

A. Yes

B. Occasionally

C. Rarely

8. Is happiness important?

A. Of course

B. Somewhat

C. Not really

9. Would you end the relationship if it meant saving your mental health?

A. Yes

B. It depends

C. No

10. Do you care about the sanctity of your wellbeing?

A. Absolutely

B. It depends

C. No

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