Marriage Quizzes - Page 131

 Is He Thinking About You Quiz?


Is He Thinking About You Quiz?

As women, we are prone to overthinking and overanalyzing every situation. Sometimes that is for our benefit, but it could also be a drawback. There are times it is completely warranted, and we end up finding out the answers we were looking for, whether it was the answer we wanted or not. 

Other times, we create scenarios in our heads of what is potentially going on with our significant other. All it does is cause fights and hatred when they aren’t doing anything wrong. When you are feeling confused and insecure in your relationship, you often wonder how he is feeling. 

(Surprise! Guys aren’t always great at expressing their feelings!)
Whether it is a new fling, a long-term relationship, or anything in between, it’s comforting to know whether you are on his mind. If you find yourself wondering whether he feels the same way as you do and you keep asking yourself if he is thinking about you too, take this Is He Thinking About You quiz to reveal the answer, once and for all.

Is My Girlfriend Mad at Me Quiz


Is My Girlfriend Mad at Me Quiz

Is your girlfriend acting funny around you? Are you wondering, “Is my girlfriend mad at me?” Does she regularly avoid or ignore your calls, and are you getting negative signals that make you feel troubled?

Most times, ladies are fond of acting up and not saying anything about it. They tend to show how they feel non-verbally and sometimes communicate vaguely instead of speaking plainly. Rather than pretend, you did not observe it. It’s appropriate that you try to find out if something is wrong or not. You can do this by observing her body language and communication. Or take this quiz and find out. 

 How Much Do You Know About Sexuality Quiz?


How Much Do You Know About Sexuality Quiz?

Sex is taboo for certain people, but nowadays things seem to be changing because people are increasingly more open with their sexual preferences and identity. 

More people are getting in touch with different sides of their identity, people of different sexual orientations have the chance to get married, and more people identify as transexual too. 

So, how sexually educated or aware are you? Take our quiz and find out how much do you know about sexuality overall.

How To Know When To Get A Divorce Quiz


How To Know When To Get A Divorce Quiz

Marriage is great, especially for those who get along with their spouse just fine. For others, the dream that started with the beginning of the relationship and the marriage can turn into a nightmare after a while. Some will decide to stay together because there might be too much at stake like common assets; some would stay because their children are still too young and fragile to live through a separation. Overall, there are many reasons why people would prefer to get away from the possibilities of a divorce, and you, what do you think? When do you think it’s the right time to get a divorce? Take our quiz and find out now.
How Strong Are His Feelings for Me Quiz


How Strong Are His Feelings for Me Quiz

Boys are confusing, enough said. It is hard to gauge how he feels about you or even what he thinks about you. If you have a friend who's a guy, I'm sure you're always wondering how he feels about you. Or even if you're already in a relationship, you might be wondering how much he likes you or how strong his feelings are. If you're confused about what goes on in his head, take the 'how strong are his feelings for me' quiz to see how strongly he feels about you!
What Do Guys First Notice About You Quiz


What Do Guys First Notice About You Quiz

Do you often wonder what guys think about you? What makes them like you? Do you think they like you for your personality, interests, how outgoing or confident you are? rnMaybe it’s just because of your looks. We all want a guy who likes us for our personality, but do they even know us? Find out with this ‘What do guys first notice about you’ quiz. This quiz will help you learn a little more about guys and their thoughts. Through an easy 10 question quiz, you’ll find out if the things that make them like you also make them love you!
 She Has a Boyfriend but Does She Like Me Quiz?


She Has a Boyfriend but Does She Like Me Quiz?

You don’t have control or authority over who falls in love with you. Feelings develop naturally over the course of a period. Feelings also can be tricky to establish. Imagine thinking a lady crushes on you but has a boyfriend yet makes things intricately difficult for you to establish if the crush is a valid feeling. 

Now, how do you figure out if a lady you probably admire or not and has a boyfriend likes you or not? Take this ‘She has a boyfriend but does she like me quiz ‘ to find out.

Do I Have Golden Child Syndrome Quiz


Do I Have Golden Child Syndrome Quiz

Family dynamics are fascinating and complex, and this quiz is your first step in unraveling your role in these dynamics. Discover how your actions and attitudes may influence your relationships, and take the path toward healthier, more harmonious interactions with those you care about. 

Are you wondering, “Do I Have The Golden Child Syndrome?” So let's find out together!