Do I Need A Therapist Or Psychologist Quiz? Editorial Team
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15 Questions | Total Attempts: 585 | Updated: Dec 30, 2022
 Do I Need a Therapist or Psychologist Quiz?

Understanding the differences between the various types of mental health professionals can be confusing. It becomes even more pertinent when you have a concern and wonder, “Do I need a therapist or psychologist?”. The answer may not be simple, as it depends on your mental health, current life situation, and the source of your difficulties. By taking this quiz you can explore further which type of specialist would be more helpful for you.

Questions Excerpt

1. How have you been feeling recently?

A. I feel good overall, there are just a few minor things that are bothering me

B. I feel a huge amount of internal pressure and am not sure how much I will be able to go on like this

C. I feel calm and happy in my current life situation

2. What is your main concern in life right now?

A. I have it all put together for the moment

B. I have some concerns about a specific area of my life (career, education, etc.)

C. I want to feel better and function more effectively in all areas of my life

3. Have you been diagnosed with a mental health condition?

A. No. I am only stressed about something specific in my life currently

B. No. I also feel very good at the current moment

C. Yes. I feel that my symptoms get worse sometimes

4. Do you struggle with addiction of any kind (alcohol, drugs, sex, hazard, internet, etc.)?

A. Yes, and I can feel the deep need for these things inside me

B. No, but I may abuse some of these when under stress

C. No, I rarely abuse any of these

5. Do you have suicidal thoughts or practice self-harm?

A. I currently have such thoughts and may harm myself (or have done it in the past)

B. I may think about it sometimes, never consider it seriously though

C. No, I love my life

6. Do you sometimes have this intense feeling like you are going insane or are going to die without real danger?

A. I have felt one of these at a certain point of my life, yet it does not bother me right now

B. Yes, it may appear out of the blue or especially after a very stressful situation

C. I have only felt those in the face of real threat

7. Do you recall a certain traumatic experience that you feel like you have not worked through and currently affects you?

A. I may recall such experiences, but another area of my life is my priority right now

B. I can recall such experiences and feel like they are related to how I am right now

C. I probably can, yet I do not think that it is influencing my life right now

8. Do you feel like you have difficulty controlling your emotions or that you are suppressing them, so they do not erupt?

A. Yes, I can recognize myself in one of these pattern

B. Maybe a little bit, but I do not think that it affects my life negatively

C. No, I have no problem expressing my emotions

9. Do you want to discover more about how your past has influenced you in the present moment?

A. Maybe, but I have no issues in my life right now

B. I would like to know more about a specific situation in the present moment

C. I want to learn more about my past and how it is affecting my current life struggles

10. What would you prefer: talking or completing psychological assessments?

A. Maybe talking, as it goes deeper into the subject and explores many topics

B. Maybe completing assessments, as they address specific things and show exact results

C. Any of those, I am not sure that I need anything to work through right now

11. Do psychologist assessments bother you?

A. No, I like exploring things deeply

B. They don’t but I’m not sure why I need one

C. I prefer talking things out

12. Are you comfortable talking about your feelings in front of others?

A. I prefer an assessment first, so that I know what the issue is

B. Yes, I think that would work better for me

C. I am but I’m not sure about what I need to discuss

13. Have you been to a therapist before?

A. Yes, and it really helped me

B. No, I have never needed help in this area

C. Yes, but I think I need something more

14. Does the usual approach in therapy work for you?

A. Yes, he does work for me

B. No, I think I need to explore more evolved approaches

C. I’m not sure as I’ve never needed assistance in this area

15. Have your closed ones been extremely worried about you?

A. Yes, they are extremely concerned

B. No, not at all

C. They are slightly concerned and want me to continue therapy as it works for me

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