Will My Girlfriend Break Up With Me Quiz

Karah Germroth
Verified Marriage & Family Therapist Reviewed By
Karah Germroth, LCSW
Karah Germroth
Licensed Clinical Social Worker
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Karah Germroth is a Licensed Master Social Worker licensed in the State of New York. A Tennessee native, Karah completed her Bachelor’s degree in Social Work at the... Read More

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20 Questions | Total Attempts: 1672 | Updated: Aug 18, 2024
Will My Girlfriend Break up With Me Quiz

Do you suspect your girlfriend is tired or has changed her attitude toward you? When you feel that your woman has stopped caring, it is a possible sign that she wants to break up with you. If she blames you for all your fights and forgets to call you or respond to your text, these are clues that she may want to break up with you. When one partner wants to end the relationship, sometimes the person’s behavior can be difficult to understand. If you suspect your girlfriend wants to break up, then take this 'Will My Girlfriend Breakup With Me?' quiz and figure out the answer.

Questions Excerpt

1. Does she still talk to you about her day on a regular basis?

A. Not really

B. Yes, for sure

C. At times

2. Does she make an effort to meet your needs and desires in the relationship?

A. Yes, she's attentive and makes a conscious effort

B. Sometimes, but it feels like she could do more

C. No, she rarely considers my needs or desires

3. How does she handle disagreements or conflicts between you two?

A. We discuss the issue calmly and find a solution together

B. She avoids the conversation or ignores the issue

C. It often leads to arguments or unresolved tension

4. Has she expressed interest in your hobbies or activities lately?

A. Yes, she's keen on participating or learning more

B. Occasionally, but not with genuine interest

C. No, she shows no interest in my hobbies

5. How often does she initiate plans or dates with you?

A. Frequently, she enjoys planning activities together

B. Rarely, it's usually up to me to make plans

C. Never, she seems uninterested in spending time together

6. How does she react when you talk about your feelings?

A. She listens attentively and responds supportively

B. She seems indifferent or changes the subject

C. She gets uncomfortable or dismissive

7. Have you been getting into frequent fights and arguments over minor issues?

A. Not really

B. Yes, for sure

C. At times

8. Has she been spending more time with her friends?

A. Not really

B. Yes, for sure

C. At times

9. Has she been unresponsive to your texts and calls?

A. Not really

B. Yes, for sure

C. At times

10. Does she discuss the future of the relationship with you?

A. Not really

B. Yes, for sure

C. At times

11. Do you spend quality time with each other?

A. We visit each multiple times a week

B. Once in a while

C. She doesn’t make time to see me unless I arrange everything

12. Does she complain about unnecessary things?

A. Almost all the time

B. Not at all

C. Sometimes

13. Does she respond to your “I love you?"

A. She has stopped responding to it

B. Sometimes

C. All the time

14. Does she always claim to be busy?

A. All the time

B. On occasion

C. No, she doesn’t

15. Has she changed a lot since you started dating?

A. Absolutely

B. Not at all

C. Not really, but kind of

16. Do you feel she’s tired of the relationship?

A. She gives that impression a lot

B. Sometimes

C. Never

17. Have you been a supportive partner?

A. I don’t think so

B. Of course

C. Not at all

18. Does she frequently hang out with other friends?

A. A lot and it makes me really jealous

B. Not at all

C. Rarely

19. How often do you argue?

A. Now and then

B. All the time

C. Never

20. Are there things you feel she doesn’t tell you?

A. Yes, she has started keeping things to herself

B. Not at all

C. Not so sure but she’s acting really funny these days

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