What Kind Of Dad Will He Be Quiz

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10 Questions | Total Attempts: 360 | Updated: Feb 24, 2022
What Kind of Dad Will He Be Quiz
There are several different types of dads, he may be labeled by different names, but the idea of what kind of dad he'll be remains the same. If you are dating someone seriously or are about to get married to the man of your dreams, you may wonder what kind of dad will he be. There is Mr. All-In, who is not only excited at the idea of bringing a child into this world but will also be very helpful with the baby or anything else that his family needs. Do you want to know if this man is going to be a good father? Or do you want to know what kind of father he is? Maybe it's a better way to say it: do you want to know what kind of dad he will be? Well, whatever the reason may be, the fact is: this quiz can answer your questions. It can tell you precisely what kind of dad this man will be!

Questions Excerpt

1. How long have you and your partner been together?

A. A few months.

B. It’s been a while.

C. Who said we were together.

2. Which TV dad do you think he will be like?

A. Ted Mosby (HIMYM).

B. Homer Simpson (The Simpsons).

C. Ned Stark (Game of Thrones).

3. Do you think he is capable of handling his responsibilities?

A. He could be.

B. Definitely yes.

C. No.

4. If you could choose to make any changes to him, what would they be?

A. His uptightness.

B. Nothing.

C. His laid-backness.

5. Is he a light or heavy sleeper?

A. A light sleeper.

B. A heavy sleeper.

C. A normal sleeper.

6. What does he like to do on weekends?

A. Out with his friends at a bar.

B. Works at a bar.

C. Going out with me.

7. If you are sick, he would…

A. Call my entire family.

B. Send me a text.

C. Send me flowers.

8. How would he make you smile when you're sad?

A. He would cook me dinner.

B. He would give me a massage.

C. He would spend hours talking to me.

9. Whenever he sees babies, he…

A. Ignores them.

B. Smiles at them.

C. Looks uneasy.

10. Rate his decision-making by using a 1-10 scale.

A. 7-10

B. 4-7

C. 1-4

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