What Should I Look For In A Partner Quiz

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10 Questions | Total Attempts: 3339 | Updated: Feb 24, 2022
What Should I Look for in a Partner Quiz
We all have preferences regarding the qualities that attract us most to a potential partner. But sometimes, we lack clarity, and we either end up choosing the wrong partner or finding no one at all!rnAre you a person who continually chooses the wrong kind of person to be with? Are you worried that you look for all the wrong things in a partner? Or, are you simply not sure what exactly you should be looking for to find your Mr./Ms. Right? If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, take this short quiz on 'What should I look for in a partner, 'and get your answers!

Questions Excerpt

1. Which of these unhealthy factors do you struggle with most often in failed relationships?

A. Partners who are emotionally closed off and don’t want to talk about feelings

B. Lying and deceitfulness

C. Lack of support and affection

D. Partners who are boring and don’t seem concerned about my feelings

2. Which quality is most important to you in a partner?

A. Emotional connectedness

B. Trustworthiness

C. Affectionate

D. Sense of humor

3. Which of these is least attractive to you in a partner?

A. Emotional insensitivity

B. Lying or sneaky

C. Shy and not very affectionate

D. Boring and no sense of humor

4. How important is physical intimacy to you in a relationship?

A. Extremely important

B. Important

C. Not that important

D. Not important to me at all

5. How important is a person’s seriousness about life to you?

A. I like a person who takes life seriously and is in touch with their emotions

B. I like a person who is trustworthy and knows what they want.

C. I like a person who is a good balance.

D. I would rather like a person who doesn’t take life too seriously. Life is meant to be fun!

6. Which of these is most important to you in a partner?

A. Independence

B. Someone who will tell you what’s on their mind

C. Someone who is willing to make changes when necessary

D. Someone who is always fun to hang out with

7. Which of these is least attractive to you in a partner?

A. Someone who can get emotionally reactive during arguments

B. Someone who hides parts of themselves they are embarrassed about

C. Someone who is afraid to be vulnerable

D. Someone who is serious all the time

8. How important is it to you to respect your individuality in a relationship?

A. Somewhat Important

B. Not that important

C. Very important

D. Not important at all

9. Do you think it is important for your partner to be extremely open with you?

A. Yes, 100%

B. Somewhat

C. Not always

D. It doesn’t matter too much to me

10. What have other people told you that you need in a relationship?

A. Emotional maturity

B. Trustworthiness and loyalty

C. Affection and support

D. Someone who is caring and has a good sense of humor

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