Counseling Quizzes - Page 2

 Do I Need a Marriage Counselor Quiz?

Do I Need a Marriage Counselor Quiz?

Are you getting worried about your marriage? Have you and your spouse been arguing more often lately? It is difficult to identify if it's just a spat between you and your partner or if you need professional help. Have you been wondering, do I need a marriage counselor?

If so, then take this quiz to find out if you need a marriage counselor!

 Do I Need Marriage Counseling Quiz?

Do I Need Marriage Counseling Quiz?

Are you and your spouse fighting more often than usual? Has one of you experienced a traumatic life event? 

Marriages can be tricky to handle if both or either of the spouses is not in the right frame of mind, due to reasons like past trauma, post-wedding blues or simply, partners not being compatible with each others. That’s when marriage counselors come to the rescue.

Do you wonder, “Do I need marriage counseling?” Take this quiz to find out!

Loneliness Quiz: What Type of A Loner Are You?

Loneliness Quiz: What Type of A Loner Are You?

Loneliness is a difficult feeling to deal with. If you are wondering which type of loneliness personality you relate to, then this quiz will help you know. Many causes can make you feel lonely, and being social animals, we can’t be alone for a long time. It is also not a good defense strategy to not be close to people. You must have at least one person you can count on. Take this loneliness quiz to find out what type of a loner you are?

 Do You Need Relationship Counseling Quiz?

Do You Need Relationship Counseling Quiz?

When a relationship is not functioning properly and making partners happy, the solution can be relationship counseling. You may be in a relationship and feel like things have not been going well for a while. Although you may have tried other options, you may start to wonder, “Do we need couples counseling?”. 

Even though it may be stigmatized by many people, therapy leads to insightful solutions in stuck situations. Couples counseling is not an exception, as both partners have a safe place to share their experiences and go through their issues. 

A good therapist will help you break negative relational patterns and find harmony again. Take this ‘Do You Need Relationship Counseling quiz’ to find out if you two need therapy.

Take This Relationship Counseling Quiz

Take This Relationship Counseling Quiz

Do you need to know if your relationship has chances to survive a series of infidelities? Do you want to know why you are still so in love with your partner even though they treat you badly? Or again, are you hesitating between two wonderful people that you’ve just dated and don’t know who to pick between the two? 

Think no more because our small quiz will help you answer most of your questions. Take a seat, relax, and take your time to complete our small and easy ‘Relationship counseling’ quiz.

 Should You Try Couples’ Counseling Quiz?

Should You Try Couples’ Counseling Quiz?

You cannot come into a marriage and think that you have all the answers to the problems that are often common to marriages. 

Communication between you and your partner is good but seeking help from outside of your marriage is also great. 
So, what do you think about trying our Couples’ Counseling quiz? Try it and find out more about how to maintain a great relationship.

Do You Need Premarital Counseling?

Do You Need Premarital Counseling?

Do you want to know if you and your potential spouse are meant to be? Will you stay together forever? Take this quiz to find out!
Are You Codependent Quiz

Are You Codependent Quiz

Do you feel like you constantly put other people’s needs before your own? Do you put all your time and energy into supporting other people and putting your own needs on the back burner?  Do you focus more on the support you believe other people need and have everyone leaning on you and then find it hard to find someone to rely on when you need help yourself? These are all traits of a codependent person and can eventually lead to your own needs not being met, creating unhealthy relationship dynamics and depletion of your feelings of self-worth.  Although you may have the best intentions, being codependent makes unhealthy boundaries and your own needs being pushed to the side most of the time.Are you codependent? Take this quiz now to find out.