Do I Need Marriage Counseling Quiz?

Keli Stalder
Verified Marriage & Family Therapist Reviewed By
Keli Stalder, LPC
Keli Stalder
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I believe everyone can benefit from therapy.  My focus is to help individuals heal, energize, and become aware of their inner strengths.  I strive to achieve this... Read More

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15 Questions | Total Attempts: 282 | Updated: Dec 05, 2024
 Do I Need Marriage Counseling Quiz?

Are you and your spouse fighting more often than usual? Has one of you experienced a traumatic life event? 

Marriages can be tricky to handle if both or either of the spouses is not in the right frame of mind, due to reasons like past trauma, post-wedding blues or simply, partners not being compatible with each others. That’s when marriage counselors come to the rescue.

Do you wonder, “Do I need marriage counseling?” Take this quiz to find out!

Questions Excerpt

1. How often do you and your spouse talk to each other?

A. Never

B. Rarely

C. Sometimes

D. Often

2. How do you feel after talking to your spouse?

A. Angry

B. Insecure

C. Supported

D. Happy

3. How often do you fight?

A. Often

B. Sometimes

C. Rarely

D. Never

4. What do you usually fight about?

A. Money

B. Children

C. Sex

D. Who needs to do the dishes

5. How do you feel when you see your spouse?

A. Angry

B. Unappreciated

C. Loved

D. Happy

6. Has either of you had an affair?

A. Yes, both of us has

B. Yes, one of us has

C. We've contemplated it, but we would never act on it

D. No

7. How often do you keep secrets from your spouse?

A. Often

B. Sometimes

C. Rarely

D. Never; I tell him/her everything

8. Has either of you experienced a traumatic life event recently?

A. Yes

B. Kind of

C. I don't know

D. No

9. I no longer feel like we are on the same team. My partner is the antagonist.

A. Strongly agree

B. Agree

C. Disagree

D. Strongly disagree

10. How often do you have sex?

A. Never

B. Rarely

C. Sometimes

D. Often

11. Are you happy with your sex life you share with your spouse?

A. Not at all

B. We occasionally have good sex

C. Somewhat

D. Absolutely

12. Are either or both of you addicted to substance abuse?

A. Yes, my partner is

B. My partner was but they are trying to control it

C. There are days when we feel like indulging in it

D. None of us are

13. How easily are anger issues resolved between you and your partner?

A. The issues linger for days

B. Not too easily

C. Depends on the what the person is angry about

D. We just communicate and it gets sorted

14. Is there some emotional distance between you and your spouse?

A. A lot

B. Somewhat

C. At times, I feel it

D. Not at all

15. Are there any financial issues or differences in your marriage?

A. A lot

B. Somewhat

C. At times

D. Not at all

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