Should I Tell Him I Love Him Quiz Editorial Team
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15 Questions | Total Attempts: 772 | Updated: Jan 08, 2023
Should I Tell Him I Love Him Quiz
Do you often wonder, should I tell him I love him? Letting the one you love know about your feelings is very important. But, at the same time, you might stop yourself wondering if the other person feels the same for you or not. So, what should you do? Take this quiz and find out now!

Questions Excerpt

1. Is the guy a good friend of yours?

A. Yes

B. Not yet, we have just met

C. In some ways

2. Is the guy always available to help you?

A. Yes, he is

B. No

C. It depends as he is usually pretty busy

3. Does the guy give you flowers or gifts?

A. Yes, always

B. No

C. Pretty often

4. Do you spend enough time with the guy?

A. Yes, we love spending a lot of time together

B. Not really

C. Sometimes

5. Has he ever introduced you to his parents?

A. Yes

B. No, not yet

C. He has mentioned doing that

6. Do you go on dates?

A. Yes, often

B. No, not really

C. Sometimes

7. Does he respond to your call or texts immediately

A. Yes

B. No, he is bad at responding

C. Sometimes

8. Has he ever kissed you?

A. Yes, several times

B. Not yet

C. Just on the cheek as a friend

9. Do you ever plan about your future together

A. Yes, we always do that

B. No

C. Sometimes he tries to hint at certain things in the future

10. Have you ever been intimate with him?

A. We always make love

B. Not yet

C. Yes, I am not sure if it meant anything more

11. Have you been experiencing sleepless nights because of your feelings for him?

A. Yes, for sure

B. No, not at all

C. At times

12. Have you caught the guy looking at you?

A. Yes, too many times

B. No, not really

C. At times

13. Does he smile at you in an indulgent manner?

A. Yes, I have noticed that

B. No, not really

C. I'm not sure

14. Have you both relied on each other’s support during tough times?

A. Yes, we always do that

B. No, not really

C. It has happened few times

15. Has he shared personal and painful details about his life with you?

A. Yes, he keep doing that

B. No, not at all

C. He has done that

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