100+ Interesting Facts About Love You Probably Don’t Know

What is love? Love is an emotion that we know has the power to move mountains. People have lived and died in love, lived and died for love. Love is the basis of all our relationships – whether romantic, platonic, or family.
However, as much as people feel love for someone and feel loved by someone, it’s not easy to describe the feeling. Love is pretty abstract and can be difficult to define. If you want to know more, here are a hundred interesting facts about love you probably didn’t know.
What is love?
All people, whether they have a partner or not, often ask the question, what is love? Is love unconditional? Does love mean being with the same person all your life? Love can mean different things to different people. To know more about what love is, read this article.
Related Reading: What Is Love?
What is so special about love?
Love is a very special feeling. Anyone who has felt love in their lifetime will agree that it is one of the strongest emotions humans can feel. The special thing about love is that apart from giving you unconditional love to your partner, love also teaches you a lot of other significant lessons in life.
According to Psychologist Mert Şeker
What makes love special is the unique and strong bond between people who are connected by deep commitment, understanding, and shared feelings.
When love is built on mutual respect, support, and trust, it creates a space where people can express themselves freely and feel accepted for their weaknesses and strengths. This special bond, when nurtured with love, gives us the strength to fight life’s challenges together and makes the feelings even more meaningful.
Love teaches you to be kind, compassionate, and selfless. It helps you put others over you, be kind and empathetic to them, and be able to look over others’ imperfections.
10 fun facts about love
Here are ten fun facts about love that will wow you.
1. Monogamy is not just for humans
You may think that monogamous relationships are just for humans. However, one of the fun facts about love is that various species in the animal kingdom commit to life-long relationships and live with only one partner throughout their lives.
Related Reading: Monogamous Relationship – Meaning and Dynamics
2. Being in love is like being high on drugs
Many researchers have found that being in love gives you the same feeling as being on drugs. Love can make you do things that feel irrational, things that you never thought you would do. Research suggests that falling in love can feel like a dose of cocaine.
According to psychologist Mert Şeker
The numbing effect of falling in love occurs as a result of the brain’s chemical and emotional responses. When we fall in love, we experience intense emotional and physical responses due to the release of various chemicals in the brain and the activation of certain areas.
In particular, the increased secretion of chemicals such as dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin in the brain creates a feeling of happiness, excitement, energy and focus. Dopamine specifically affects the neurological areas known as the “reward centers” and causes us to have a strong craving for the things we enjoy.
3. You can fall in love in as less as four minutes
Turns out, falling in love does not take as long as we think. It is proven that you can fall in love in as few as four minutes. It only takes four minutes to make the first impressions, and that is why it is said that you must pay attention to your body language and presence.
Related Reading: How Long Does It Take to Fall in Love
4. Opposites attract is not a myth
Everyone has heard the saying, “opposites attract,” but many people think it might not be true. Another fun fact about love is that having different interests and hobbies as individuals can actually help couples be more spontaneous and have a loving, lasting relationship. However, this does not mean that people with similar interests can’t have happy relationships.
5. Adventure can make you feel more in love
There is a reason experts ask people to bring in some adventure and spontaneity in their relationship. Going on an adventure with someone where some risky situations may be involved is likely to make you both fall in love deeper and quicker than when you are in a mundane life together.
6. Cuddling with the person you love can relieve physical pain
Cuddling with someone you love releases a hormone named oxytocin in your body. Oxytocin is also known as the love hormone. Love, therefore, is not just about emotions. The fun fact about love is that cuddling with your partner can relieve you of physical pain as well.
7. Intense eye contact can make you fall in love
Looking into each other’s eyes can make you feel very close to someone. Even if you do this with a stranger, you will likely feel emotions like love and intimacy.
Related Reading: 10 Powers of Eye Contact in a Relationship
8. Face or body attraction means something
Whether you feel attracted to someone based on their face or body says something about what kind of a relationship you want with them. If you feel attracted to their body, you are likely to be looking for a fling, while if you feel attracted to their face, you want a long-term relationship with them.
9. Attraction can be obsessive
When we feel attracted to someone, our body releases hormones that give us a high. Such attraction could be an obsessive trait since the body craves this high, and we like to be around the person we feel attracted to.
10. Butterflies in your stomach are a real feeling
The saying about feeling butterflies in your stomach when you see the person you love is a real thing. The sensation is caused by a rush of adrenaline in your body, the hormone triggered when you are put in ‘fight or flight’ situations.
Psychological facts about love
So many movies and songs depict love because it has a significant impact on how people react and behave around us. Here are a few psychological facts about love that you may not be aware of:
1. Three love components
Love is indeed an indescribable emotion; however, Dr. Helen Fischer divides it into three parts: attraction, lust, and attachment. The brain processes these three emotions together when you are deeply in love with someone.
2. Love changes you
Are you not the same person you were before you fell in love? That is natural. Being in love alters our personality and perception of things. We can become more open to things that our lover is into, or we may even become more optimistic about things.
3. Love affects bonding with others
Love involves the release of the “happy hormone,” dopamine. This hormone gives you a high that makes you feel positive and open to bonding with others. You will find yourself not only open to bonding with your partner but also establishing stronger connections with everyone in your life
4. Love makes you brave
Love leads to the deactivation of the amygdala in the brain, which regulates fear. Thus, you are less scared of outcomes and consequences when in love. You experience a fearlessness and bravery that you wouldn’t usually feel.
5. Love under control
Research shows that people can manage their love for someone. For example, by forcing yourself to think about all the negative aspects of their personality, you can decrease the love, while thinking about the positives would increase it.
6. Love and overall well-being
Experiencing love on an everyday basis has been proven to contribute to the overall psychological well-being of a person. They are more optimistic, motivated, and inspired to do better.
7. Lust and love
Comparing love and lust reveals that there are overlapping sensations that make it hard to distinguish between the two. They can be seen on the same spectrum, where love expands with these responses with habit formation and expectancy of reciprocity.
Related Reading: How to Understand Love vs Lust: 5 Signs and Differences
8. Romantic desire in the brain
People feel their attraction towards someone based on the activity in specific areas of their brain. Sometimes this judgment can take a couple of seconds, while sometimes, it takes longer.
9. Ideal standards of love
Popular narratives of love in movies and songs present an idealistic version of love that may not be realistic. These examples of ‘perfect love’ have a direct impact on the idealistic expectations of romantic love that people may continue to have.
10. Love and selection
Research shows that people are attracted to others based on their own self-worth. They will gravitate toward people who are similarly placed in terms of their physical attractiveness, accomplishments, and social standing.
Related Reading: Love and Marriage Psychology Facts
True love facts
Is true love something you have been yearning for? There are various aspects of what true love really implies that can impact your approach towards it. Find them out here:
1. Different stages of love
One has different reactions at the start of a relationship that is different from the ones that they feel when it is a long-term romantic attachment. Research has shown that in addition to activity in the Ventral Tegmental Area (VTA) area of the brain, there is also activity in the Ventral Pallidum region linked with maternal love.
Related Reading: The 5 Stages of Love Couples Go Through
2. The initial stress
Do they love me? Are we moving in the same direction? Stress is a noticeable component of the initial stages of love as there is an observed decrease in cortisol levels in the body, which in turn enhances the stress response of the body.
3. Broken Heart syndrome
A broken heart can make you miserable! Takotsubo Cardiopathy is the term used to describe the stress-induced heart attacks observed in people who have recently lost their loved ones. The risk is particularly high during the first few weeks of losing your lover.
Also Try: Are You Suffering From Broken Heart Syndrome Quiz
4. Brain, not heart
The heart is the organ of the human body that is often associated with love and how we feel for someone. The fluctuating heartbeats are seen as a sign. However, the brain is the part of the human body where various activities in specific areas of the brain indicate love and lead to changes in the heartbeats.
5. Love and the immune system
Heard the term “lovesick?” But can love really make you unwell? Yes, it can. True love leads to the release of cortisol, which can lower someone’s immune system response when they first fall in love.
According to marriage & family therapist Jelisha Gatling:
When it comes to the immune system and falling in love, it’s very important to be mindful of self-care. Under the fog of new love, there’s a tendency to forgo sleep for late-night calls or to skip your routine morning run.
Maintaining self-care rituals despite the all-encompassing high of falling in love will keep your immune system strong and sickness at bay.
6. Love evolves over time
Initially, when one falls in love, the desire that one has for their partner can cause stress and unmanageable euphoria. However, this settles over time as the anxiety over it lowers considerably. Scientists have referred to this as the evolution from romantic love to lasting love.
7. Better heart health
Maintaining a long-term romantic commitment can be stressful at times, but the verdict is out married couples in love have better cardiovascular health overall. They have 5 percent fewer chances of any form of heart risk or complication.
8. Love and hate
The deeper you love someone in a relationship, the stronger your hatred for them if your relationship falls apart. Intense love signifies an invested state of mind where your mind and body are completely caught up in the state of your relationship. Therefore, if things go wrong, hurt and hate are also significantly high.
9. Love is long-lasting
Late couple Herbert and Zelmyra Fisher broke the Guinness world record for the longest marriage in history back in February 2011. They had been married for 86 years and 290 days at that time.
10. Love and similarity with OCD
A decrease in serotonin levels marks Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) due to the high levels of anxiety that one experiences. A study has shown that scientists have seen a similar decrease in people who are in love.
Cute facts about love
Love is a marvelous feeling that can make you smile from ear to ear. There are tiny things about it that make it special, endearing, and cherishable. Here are some:
1. Synched heart rates
Love is such a significant factor that it has been observed that the heartbeats of older couples sync together. Their closeness to each other creates an intricate interaction between how their hearts beat together.
2. Give me love, give me chocolate
Be it in movies or on Valentine’s Day, the link between chocolate and lovers is evident. However, scientists have found that eating chocolate can momentarily make one feel the same way they do when they are in love by releasing serotonin.
3. Hold my hand
Feeling anxious? Are nerves driving you crazy? Just go ahead and hold the hand of the one you love, as it will calm you down and reassure your nervous state of mind, as per research conducted on people’s behavior.
4. Kissing is not just for arousal
Psychologist Mert Şeker explains
Kissing is a powerful communication tool that strengthens emotional, physical, and sexual intimacy in a relationship. It helps to establish a romantic bond. These physical contacts express intimacy and attractiveness between the partners while also forming an attachment.
It is foolhardy to associate kissing with only sexuality and mate selection. It is a way for a couple to establish comfort and bond with each other. It especially becomes a marker of intimacy and connection in long-term relationships.
5. That mutual loving gaze
Mutually gazing at each other can stimulate a love for each other. The levels of intimacy, romance, love, and passion significantly increase when you look into each other’s eyes for some time.
6. Expressing love
It is a misconception that women are better at expressing their love than men when they are in love. Survey shows that both genders are affectionate when in love, but there are subtle differences in these affectionate acts.
7. Long-distance relationships’ magic
Couples can form a stronger bond despite being in a long-distance relationship as the focus can turn towards regular and deliberate communication. Meaningful interactions can make these relationships even stronger than the ones where couples stay close to each other.
8. Saying, “I love you.”
Women are considered to be the ones who fall more quickly in love; however, a study shows that men are quicker to fall in love and confess their love compared to women.
9. Funny love
Humor and love are a great combination. It has been observed that a positive partner-perceived sense of humor significantly impacts relationship satisfaction and the longevity of love between couples.
10. Love at first sight
Research shows that love at first sight is possible if you are attracted to the other person’s physical attributes and personality. But in addition, the other person should reciprocate the feelings and have similar traits as you.
Random facts about love
Love is so much deeper than romantic dates, and heartfelt I Love You. Know some random facts about love and certain benefits:
1. Online dating and love
As per research by Pew conducted in 2020, 30% of U.S. adults use an online dating app, and 12% of the people said that they have married someone they met via these apps.
2. Origin of the word Love
Where does the word love even come from? Apparently, from the Sanskrit word lubhyati, which means desire.
3. The power of gratitude
One of the feel-good random facts about love tells us that expressing gratitude to a loved one can make us instantly happier. So go on; make days happier for yourself and your loved ones too.
4. The stages of love
According to science, the falling-in-love stage, which is called romantic love and is associated with euphoria and butterflies, lasts for about a year and is later replaced with a more stable form called the committed love stage.
5. Men vs. women in love
Women often feel more loved and in love in face-to-face conversations with their partners. While for men, it is the working, playing, or conversing side by side that does the trick.
6. The effect of love
Another feel-good random fact about love is that the very act of falling in love is known to have a calming effect on the body and mind and, in fact, raises the level of nerve growth for about a year.
7. Compassion affects your brain’s chemistry
Compassion impacts the brain activities related to empathy and positive emotions. It is also responsible for reducing the activation of fear centers. This makes the brains of two people more interconnected, which contributes to a secure attachment pattern.
8. The color red
The legends were right. Red is the magic color. Seemingly, men are more attracted to and likely to engage in deeper conversations with women wearing red.
9. Live longer as you kiss
Love also has health benefits. Just one of the random facts about love is that men who kiss their wives are thought to live five years longer.
10. Being supportive
What makes a relationship work? It is indeed being supportive. How you react to your partner’s big news is what it comes down to in the end.
11. Why love is blind
When we are looking at a new love, our neural circuits, which are usually associated with social judgment, are suppressed, which honestly really makes love blind.
Weird facts about love
Check out these weird facts about love that are surely going to blow your mind:
1. Love improves well-being
As you go on improving the quality of time spent with your partner, your personal well-being improves as well.
2. Recovering from breakup
Recovering from a breakup is not an easy feat. In fact, recovering from a breakup is similar to kicking an addiction, and this is completely sourced from science.
Related Reading: The 7 Stages of a Breakup and Tips to Heal Faster
3. Socializing in love
An average human will spend approximately 1,769 days socializing with someone they love.
4. Love and happiness
Love really is the cornerstone of happiness and life fulfillment, as is gathered from interviews of a set of people above 75 who admitted to happiness mostly revolving around love or simply searching for it.
5. Husbands are soulmates?
Another weird fact about love is that more than half of married women do not actually believe that their husbands are, in fact, their soulmates.
6. Unproductivity in love
If you’ve got things to do, you might think a bit before falling in love, as being in love makes you less productive.
7. Connection with food
Brain scans have revealed that women are more responsive to romantic stimuli after eating rather than before.
8. Men and emotions
Statistically, men are both more likely to say “I love you” In a relationship and more likely to go through severe emotional pain after a breakup.
9. Times you fall in love
Most people will fall in love approximately seven times before marriage.
10. Communication is the key
The last of the weird facts about love, which in retrospect is only to be expected, is that the longer and more deliberate the knowing or talking stage, the more likely a relationship is to succeed. Strong, intense romances are also likely to be short-lived.
To learn how to fix the communication in your relationship, watch Coach Natalie of Happily Committed as she gives you tips for improving communication between you and your partner:
Human facts about love
Check out these facts about love in connection with human beings:
1. Broken heart syndrome
Heartbreak is not just a romantic metaphor but a real phenomenon that is real and is an intense emotional stress that weakens your heart. This is known as broken heart syndrome and has real symptoms like chest pain and shortness of breath.
2. Roses on Valentine’s
Ever thought about why lovers exchange red roses on Valentine’s Day? Well, it’s because these flowers represent the Roman goddess of love – Venus.
3. The immune system connection
Humans are intrinsically interesting, and so are the ways we love. Another one of the human facts about love is that we actually find people with different immune systems than ours more attractive to us.
4. The connection with the chemical makeup
We also choose partners whose chemical makeup compliments our own. So if you have a high level of estrogen in your bodily makeup, you are most likely to fall for someone with a high level of testosterone in them.
5. Heartbeat synchronicity
Couples who are in love synchronize their heart rates as they gaze into each other’s eyes, hence the giddiness probably.
6. Cocaine effects in love
Here is proof of the intensity of love and the crowning feather of human facts about love. Apparently, falling in love is comparable to taking a dose of cocaine in terms of emotional effects.
7. Daydreaming in love
All of those daydreaming thoughts of your love, the reminders of love, influence more abstract and creative thinking.
8. Love builds focus
While that’s that, spicy scenarios and reminders of sex trigger concrete thinking, on the other hand. This helps build focus on the momentary details of a task.
9. Changes while falling in love
If you’ve been catching yourself acting differently at the beginning of a new relationship, science has the answer. At an early stage of love, we have a lower level of serotonin and a higher level of cortisol, which is linked to stress and hence the acting difference.
10. Smelling your way into love
No matter what their gender, humans are drawn to a person depending on how they smell and how much they are innately drawn to that smell.
Deep facts about love
Here are some deep facts about love that you can’t miss reading. Some of these facts are lesser known to most people.
1. Love triggers euphoria-inducing chemicals
When you fall in love, it boosts the production of a few euphoria-inducing chemicals in your brain. These chemicals stimulate about 12 areas of the brain at one time.
2. Love can cause stress
Some studies suggest that you are more likely to be stressed than happy when you fall in love. People have low serotonin levels responsible for feeling happy and high cortisol levels responsible for stress.
3. You fall in love according to the priorities
Studies suggest that when people look for a fling or a casual relationship, they fall in love with their appearance. Emotional and mental compatibility evaluation is involved when people look for a long-term commitment.
4. Some people can’t experience love
Not all of us are lucky enough to know how wonderful love is. Some people have never felt romantic love in their entire life. Such people suffer from a rare condition called hypopituitarism. The condition doesn’t allow a person to feel the thrill of love.
5. Vein of love
Greek believed that the fourth finger of the left hand had a vein that led directly to the heart. They called it -vena amoris. However, the claim stands incorrect as almost all the fingers have a vein that leads to the heart.
Most people still believe that it is true, and as a symbol of love, they wear their engagement rings on the fourth finger of the left hand.
6. Love resembles chaos
The demigod of love, Cupid, also known as Eros, has come from ‘The Yawning Void,’ which means chaos. Hence, it is believed that the primitive forces of love represent desire and chaos.
7. The parent symbolism
Some psychologists and studies have suggested that people fall in love with someone similar to their loved one or parent and possibly have unresolved issues. They suggest that such people look for a solution to their childhood issues in adulthood.
8. Love helps you heal faster
According to a study conducted at the Ohio State University Medical Center on married couples, it was observed that having a caring partner around helps wounds heal twice as fast as compared to an aggressive partner.
9. Slow and steady love flourishes
It is believed that people who have an intense Hollywood-style relationship, in the beginning, grow apart later. However, people who take it slow, take their time, and invest their emotional time are likely to build a strong relationship foundation.
10. Red is the color of love
You must have heard that men like women who wear red versus women who wear other colors. Research published in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology suggests that men are attracted to women who wear red because they appear to be more receptive.
Cool facts about love
Do you want to know some cool facts about love? Here are some facts that are not usual and might leave you astonished.
1. Human sweat is used for perfume
Human sweat contains pheromones that are responsible for attraction. For ages, human sweat has been used for perfumes and love potions.
2. The heart hasn’t always represented love
The heart hasn’t always been used as a symbol of love. It started being a love symbol in the 1250s; before that, the heart represented foliage.
3. Some people don’t want to fall in love
Believe it or not, some people fear falling in love. The condition is called Philophobia. It is also associated with the fear of commitment or relationships.
4. Love in the skies
About one in every 50 travelers has met the love of their lives while traveling via plane. This was found in a survey conducted on 5000 travelers by HSBC.
5. A lot of people are searching for love
Every day almost 3 million first dates happen. A lot of people are looking for love. So if you haven’t met someone already, don’t lose hope.
6. Love doesn’t always mean soulmate
A study suggests that around 52% of women admitted that their husbands aren’t their soulmates. According to New Oxford American, the term soulmate is defined as a person who is suited to another as a close friend or romantic partner.
7. Love demands time
A person spends 6.8% of their life socializing with people they love or think can be possible lovers in the future. This 6.8% is equivalent to 1769 days.
8. You can’t ignore someone you love
Psychological researchers suggest that in people who try to avoid missing someone they love, their brain tricks them into missing them even more.
9. Love finds you
Psychologists suggest that most people fall in love when they are not actually looking for it. Love indeed finds you.
10. Love is everything
A 75-year-long study conducted by a group of researchers at Harvard has shown that love is all that people care about, and it is all that matters. People who participated in the study shared their experiences related to happiness, and they all revolved around love.
Love is everywhere, in our lives, in psychology, biology, history, etc. All these facts about love are equally important and enlightening. You may have understood what love is and why you should always believe in it. If you are with the love of your life, celebrate it, and if not, don’t worry love will find its way to you.
How do I know someone is in love with me?

Jennifer Jacobsen Schulz
Licensed Clinical Social Worker
Expert Answer
Outside of telling you they love you, someone who loves you will show some key signs. They will consistently show up for you. They will care about your happiness, and make sacrifices for the relationship. They will want to spend quality time together, and they will stay in regular communication. They will listen when you talk and show interest in your life. These are just a few signs.
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