What Is Your Standard Of Love Quiz

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10 Questions | Total Attempts: 1640 | Updated: Feb 24, 2022
What Is Your Standard of Love Quiz
It's common knowledge that some people possess both high and low standards when it comes to dating. Where medium standards are ideal, high standards are usually the key to a great relationship, whereas a low standard is often held by many who just want love. But what is your standard of love? rnTake this ‘What Is Your Standard of Love’ quiz to find out how high your standards are.

Questions Excerpt

1. How often do you want to go out?

A. Very often

B. Occasionally

C. Not often

2. Does your partner need to possess specific physical traits?

A. Yes

B. Some traits

C. No

3. Does your partner need to introduce you to everyone?

A. Yes, always

B. Sometimes

C. Not at all

4. Does your partner need to practice chivalry?

A. Yes

B. Sometimes

C. No

5. Does your partner need to have a specific background?

A. Yes, similar to mine

B. A few traits

C. No

6. Does your partner need to have certain emotional characteristics?

A. Yes

B. Just a few

C. No

7. How compassionate does your partner need to be?

A. Very compassionate

B. Somewhat compassionate

C. As compassionate as he want to be

8. Does your partner need to be from a specific country?

A. Yes

B. Probably

C. No

9. Does your partner need to be trustworthy and have shared values?

A. Yes

B. Maybe

C. No

10. Does your partner need to dress a certain way?

A. Yes

B. Possibly

C. No

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