Are You With The Man You Should Marry Quiz

Erin McCole Cupp
Verified Marriage & Family Therapist Reviewed By
Erin McCole Cupp, LPCC
Erin McCole Cupp
Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor
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Erin McCole Cupp, CTRC, brings a unique blend of trauma recovery coaching and extensive experience in addiction recovery, particularly in the areas of compulsive eating and... Read More

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20 Questions | Total Attempts: 24115 | Updated: Dec 15, 2024
Are You With The Man You Should Marry Quiz

Marriage is no bed of roses, that's for sure. Living with someone for the rest of your life, facing all kinds of difficulties, and remaining supportive even when your partner is having a bad time – all these can be hard to manage. It's common for married individuals to question their choices at some point, wondering if they've made the right decision.

If you want to avoid that bitter moment when you realize, "I shouldn't have married this man!" take this "Are you with the man you should marry?" quiz and find out now if he is the right person!

Questions Excerpt

1. How do you feel about the quality of your physical intimacy?

A. I feel it's lacking, and it concerns me.

B. We have a satisfying and fulfilling physical relationship.

C. It's good sometimes, but it could be better.

2. How do you feel about your partner's ability to adapt to change?

A. I find it hard when they resist change or new ideas.

B. I appreciate their flexibility and openness to new experiences.

C. They adapt well in some situations but struggle in others.

3. How often do you talk about your feelings and emotions?

A. We rarely talk about feelings; it feels awkward.

B. We have open conversations about our feelings regularly.

C. We talk about feelings sometimes, but it could be more frequent.

4. How do you feel when discussing your relationship with others?

A. I feel embarrassed or uncomfortable sharing details.

B. I feel proud to share our story and our bond.

C. I have mixed feelings; some aspects I'm proud of, others I'm hesitant about.

5. How do you feel about your partner's approach to personal growth and development?

A. I worry they aren't focused on improving themselves.

B. I admire their dedication to personal growth and encourage it.

C. They make efforts, but I wish they were more proactive.

6. How do you envision your future parenting styles?

A. We have very different ideas about parenting, which concerns me.

B. I believe we would complement each other well as parents.

C. We haven't discussed it in depth, but I hope we can find common ground.

7. How do you feel when your partner is stressed or upset?

A. I don't know how to help them, so I don’t even try

B. I feel equipped to support them through their tough times.

C. I try to help, but it can be challenging to know what to say.

8. How important is it for you to have similar hobbies and interests?

A. I wish we had more common interests; it feels like a barrier.

B. I enjoy our differences and appreciate our unique hobbies.

C. We have some common interests, but there are also significant differences.

9. How do you balance personal time and time spent together?

A. I feel like I don't have enough personal time.

B. We find a healthy balance between our individual needs and spending time together.

C. It varies; sometimes, we have enough time for both, and other times we don't.

10. How do you react to each other's mistakes or shortcomings?

A. I often feel frustrated and hold grudges.

B. I try to be understanding and supportive.

C. I feel a mix of frustration and understanding.

11. How do you feel when you think about your future together?

A. I feel anxious and uncertain about what lies ahead.

B. I feel excited and hopeful about our future.

C. I have mixed feelings, depending on the day.

12. How comfortable are you discussing future family plans with your partner?

A. I avoid the topic because it feels too complicated.

B. I feel comfortable discussing our future family plans openly.

C. We touch on it occasionally, but it's not a deep conversation.

13. How do you feel about the level of trust in your relationship?

A. I often feel insecure and doubt their commitment.

B. I have a strong sense of trust in my partner and our relationship.

C. There are times when I trust them fully, but sometimes I have doubts.

14. How do you handle major life decisions together?

A. We rarely discuss major decisions together, which creates tension.

B. We collaborate and make decisions as a team.

C. We discuss some decisions, but others are left to one person.

15. How do you feel about your partner's friendships and social life?

A. I'm uncomfortable with their friends and worry about their possibly cheating

B. I fully support their friendships and appreciate their social life.

C. I have mixed feelings; some friends I like, and others I don't.

16. How do you envision handling finances together?

A. We don't have a clear plan and often argue about money.

B. We have a solid plan and communicate openly about finances.

C. We discuss finances occasionally, but it's not a priority for us.

17. How often do you feel appreciated by your partner?

A. I rarely feel appreciated or valued in our relationship.

B. I often feel loved and appreciated for who I am.

C. It varies; sometimes, I feel appreciated, and sometimes I don't.

18. How well do your values and life goals align?

A. We have very different values and goals, which worries me.

B. We share similar values and aspirations, making us a good match.

C. Our values align in some areas, but there are significant differences.

19. How do you support each other during tough times?

A. I often feel unsupported and alone in my struggles.

B. We both make an effort to be there for each other.

C. Sometimes, we support each other, but not always.

20. How do you handle disagreements in your relationship?

A. We often end up in arguments that leave us feeling distant.

B. We communicate openly and work together to resolve issues.

C. We sometimes avoid discussing our differences to keep the peace.

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