Are You Prepared For Parenthood Quiz? Editorial Team
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15 Questions | Total Attempts: 589 | Updated: Dec 12, 2024
Are You Prepared for Parenthood Quiz?

Are you considering becoming a parent? You will need to know many things, such as when it is okay to leave kids unattended, what foods are healthy for them, and when you need to take them to the emergency room. Many of these things come with experience, but common sense and some general knowledge about child rearing are necessary before you rush to take a pregnancy test. 

The ‘Are you prepared for parenthood’ quiz will ask you questions about the best choices for your (potential) children and help you determine how prepared you are to be a good parent.

Questions Excerpt

1. Which of the following foods contains the most calcium?

A. Yogurt

B. Milk

C. Cheese

D. Fruit

2. When do babies start to learn speaking patterns?

A. In the womb

B. At birth

C. At 6 months

D. Between 1-2 years old

3. Why do babies wiggle around so much?

A. To explore

B. Because that's what they do anyway

C. Because they are uncomfortable

D. Because they can't control their muscles

4. What should you do first if you suspect a child has ingested something poisonous?

A. See what kind of poison they have ingested and call emergency services

B. Make them vomit

C. Give them milk

D. Do nothing

5. When is a child ready for potty training?

A. There is no fixed time period

B. At 36 months

C. At 24 months

D. At 12 months

6. A 5-year-old child is coughing while choking on an object. What should you do first?

A. First let him or her release the object and help if they can't

B. Immediately use the Heimlich maneuver

C. Give them water to drink

D. Call 911 and wait for the paramedics to come

7. Your toddler has stuck a bean up their nose. What should you do?

A. Call the pediatrician's office

B. Go to the emergency room

C. Try to remove it with tweezers

D. Do nothing, it will come out alone

8. What should you do first if your child gets a minor burn?

A. Cool the burned area with cool, clean water

B. Submerge the burned area in lukewarm water and eventually move it to cold water

C. Cool the burned area with ice

D. Apply a burn ointment

9. Which of these foods is highest in iron?

A. Liver

B. Beans

C. Eggs

D. Seafood

10. When should a baby be started on solids?

A. Six months

B. Four to six months

C. Three months

D. Twelve months

11. Are both you and your partner in good health?

A. Yes, relatively speaking

B. Yes, I think so

C. Somewhat

D. No, Not really

12. Have you discussed the child care arrangement with your partner?

A. Yes, totally

B. Yes, somewhat

C. Kind of

D. Not really

13. Are you comfortable sacrificing your time, money and goals for your children?

A. Yes, totally

B. Yes, somewhat

C. Kind of

D. Not really

14. Does having a child seem like checking a box off a to-do list?

A. No, it is something I want to do

B. Sometimes

C. Most of the time

D. Yes, that is all that it is

15. Are you (and your partner) in a good place emotionally?

A. Yes, totally

B. Yes, somewhat

C. Kind of

D. Not really

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