Are You Ready For Another Baby Quiz Editorial Team
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10 Questions | Total Attempts: 1402 | Updated: Feb 24, 2022
Are You Ready For Another Baby Quiz
Babies are gifts that come into our lives. Their emergence and existence bring so much joy into our lives. Indeed, babies come as gifts to us, but these gifts come with responsibilities. rnAs such, whenever you intend to have a baby, you need to ask yourself, are you ready to bring in another cutie into the world? rnFind out through this Are You Ready for Another Baby Quiz to understand the signs your mind is sending you.

Questions Excerpt

1. Are you financially ready to have a child?

A. Yes

B. To some extent

C. Not ready

2. Are you under health insurance benefits?

A.  Yes, I am under full health insurance cover

B. Yes, I enjoy partial health insurance cover

C. No, I am not under any health insurance cover

3. After delivery, how long is your maternity leave after delivery?

A. I am self-employed, so I have virtually enough time to nurture my baby after delivery

B. 5 months

C. 3 months

4. Will your partner be given paternity leave to support you?

A. Yes, for a few months

B. Yes, for a month

C. Not at all

5. Are you likely to receive your salary when on maternity leave?

A. Yes, the full amount

B. Yes, but just a percentage of it

C. No, not at all

6. Suppose you're hard-pressed for the time after delivery, can you afford the services of a nanny or babysitter?

A. Yes, I can

B. To some extent

C. No

7. Where do you intend to position the cot of your baby?

A. In a separate room

B. In the same room

C. The positioning of the cot might be a challenge since we're hard-pressed for space at the moment

8. What is the state of your employment at the moment?

A. Self-employed

B. Public Servant

C. Employed on part-time basis

9. How spacious is your current residence?

A. Very spacious

B. Just okay

C. Not spacious

10. Which do you think will be the most difficult aspect of parenting a child for you, financially or mentally?

A. None of the above

B. Mentally

C. Financially

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