Is She Being Flirty Or Friendly Quiz?

Erin McCole Cupp
Verified Marriage & Family Therapist Reviewed By
Erin McCole Cupp, LPCC
Erin McCole Cupp
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15 Questions | Total Attempts: 4421 | Updated: Jan 07, 2025
 Is She Being Flirty or Friendly Quiz?

Are you trying to read the signals she is sending you, but are confused about what they mean? Are you hoping to be more than friends, but aren’t sure if she feels the same? It could make you very anxious, not knowing the answers to these questions or how she feels about you, especially if you are a shy person and don’t know if you should make a move. 

There’s nothing worse than misinterpreting the signs and taking a chance, only to be told they only like you as a friend. If this is the situation you are in and you want to know if she’s flirty or just friendly, take this ‘Is she being flirty or friendly quiz’ to find out for sure.

Questions Excerpt

1. Has there ever been an intimate encounter between the two of you?

A. There was and I think we were both into it, but we were drunk

B. We’ve gotten close to physical intimacy

C. No

2. Does she always seem to find ways to get closer to or touch you?

A. Yes

B. Sometimes

C. Not usually, but there have been times I thought it was closer than normal

3. Has anyone ever made comments about you two being more than friends?

A. Yes, but in a joking way

B. Subtle comments I notice at times but then i'm not sure if they are serious

C. Not that I remember

4. Do you ever feel there is lingering eye contact between the two of you or slight stares and smiles?

A. Yes, I have felt that

B. A few times I think

C. Not really

5. Do you ever feel like she does things to get your attention or to impress you?

A. Yes

B. Maybe

C. Not particularly

6. Does she compliment you more than any of your other female friends?

A. I think so

B. I’m not sure, she does compliment me at times though

C. Not really

7. Is there ever playful teasing between the two of you that you feel is mutually enjoyed?

A. Yes, definitely

B. Sometimes

C. Not really

8. Do you feel like she pays more attention to you as opposed to other friends of hers?

A. Yes

B. I am not sure

C. Not really

9. Do you have feelings for her that are more intimate than friendly?

A. I think so

B. I have in the past, but didn’t act on them

C. I never thought of them as more than a friend

10. Do you feel like she has feelings that are more intimate than friendly?

A. I think so

B. I’m not really sure

C. No, I don’t think so

11. Does she steal glances at you often?

A. Yes, she does

B. Sometimes

C. Not really

12. How often does she laugh at your jokes or funny comments?

A. Always

B. Usually

C. Sometimes, but it’s probably for the sake of being polite

13. Do you often catch her staring at you when no one's looking?

A. Yes, I do

B. Yes, sometimes

C. Not really

14. Does she playfully tease you about things?

A. Yes, she does

B. Yes, sometimes

C. Not really

15. Is she the one who often starts conversations with you?

A. Yes, she does

B. Yes, sometimes

C. Not really

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