Is My Wife Abusive Quiz? Editorial Team
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15 Questions | Total Attempts: 1567 | Updated: Oct 07, 2022
 Is My Wife Abusive Quiz?

Do you often feel isolated, fearful, and criticized? Is your wife extremely jealous, overly critical, and verbally abusive? If any or all of these are true, you are probably being abused by your wife. 

Although it is seen as uncommon or unlikely for a female to be abusive in a relationship, the situation is still a reality for some people. BUt if you can identify the problem, there are more chances of you being able to fix things moving forward. 

If you are fearful that your wife is abusing you, take this short ‘Is my wife abusive’ quiz to see if you are right.

Questions Excerpt

1. Does your wife care where you go or who you hang out with?

A. Absolutely. She completely controls where I go and who I spend time with

B. Sometimes she does, but nothing extreme

C. Rarely. Only if she doesn’t like one of my friends

2. If you do something your wife doesn’t like, will she refuse to talk to you or stop being intimate with you as a form of punishment?

A. Yes, all the time

B. Yes, she does, but not always

C. Sometimes she will be mad and not talk to me, but not for an extended time

3. Do you ever feel like you are constantly walking on eggshells in your own home?

A. Every day

B. Often

C. Sometimes

4. Do you feel like your wife constantly criticizes you for every little thing you do?

A. Yes, all the time

B. Frequently I do

C. Sometimes I do

5. Does your wife ever punch, hit, slap, or push you?

A. Yes, she frequently when she gets really mad

B. Sometimes, but not every time we fight

C. Most of the time, she doesn’t

6. Does your wife get overly jealous whenever you give attention to anyone else?

A. Yes, she hates when I talk or spend time with anyone else but her

B. Sometimes, but not all of the time

C. She gets jealous in rare moments, but not to that extent

7. Do you feel that no matter how much you beg or plead with her to forgive you, she continues to hold grudges?

A. Yes, this happens often

B. Sometimes

C. She usually doesn’t go to that extent about small things

8. Has your wife ever threatened you with sex, divorce, or physical harm? Have you ever been genuinely fearful for your safety?

A. Yes, it often gets to this extent

B. Sometimes

C. She has threatened me in rare moments with things

9. Does your wife refuse to take any responsibility for her actions?

A. Yes, she never takes responsibility and only blames me for everything

B. Most of the time

C. Sometimes

10. Does your wife convince you that you are crazy or gaslight you?

A. Yes, she does this all of the time and makes me feel so guilty

B. She sometimes does this to make me second guess myself

C. I often feel like the blame is on me, but I am not sure if that is the truth or just in my head.

11. Have you ever been genuinely fearful for your safety?

A. Yes, it is unfortunately a constant thing

B. Yes, there have been times like that

C. No, not really

12. Does your wife compare you unfairly to other people?

A. Yes, she uses comparisons to highlight my flaws

B. Yes, she does this sometimes

C. Yes, but only to compliment me

13. Does your wife yell, scream or shout at you?

A. Yes, she does this all the time

B. Yes, she does this sometimes

C. Never or very rarely

14. Does your wife wrongly accuse you of being unfaithful?

A. Yes, this is a constant thing

B. Yes, this has happened a few times

C. No, not really

15. Do your friends and family think that your wife is good for you?

A. No, they think that she is controlling/manipulative

B. No, i don’t think so

C. Yes, for sure

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