Who Is Your Future Wife Quiz?

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15 Questions | Total Attempts: 16647 | Updated: Sep 12, 2022
 Who Is Your Future Wife Quiz?

Ever thought about who is your future wife? What kind of person they are, or what their prominent traits are? Even thinking about these things can help you find your partner. To know more about who you're amazingly compatible with, take the quiz below!

Questions Excerpt

1. What's your ideal woman's hair length?

A. Long

B. Medium

C. Short

2. How would you describe yourself?

A. Old-fashioned with a heart of gold

B. Stable and mature

C. Adventurous and passionate

3. What's your favorite color?

A. White

B. Blue

C. Black

4. What's your favorite kind of show?

A. Mystery

B. Thriller

C. Comedies

5. How do you usually like to dress?

A. Formal and sassy

B. A comfortable tee and jeans

C. Sweatshirts and sweatpants

6. Which out of the three would you choose?

A. Money

B. Food

C. Sleep

7. What kind of people have you been attracted to in the past?

A. Compassionate people

B. Successful people

C. Fun people

8. What is the most important thing you're looking for in a relationship?

A. Support and warmth

B. A solid and deep connection

C. A relationship that challenges you to be better

9. What's your ideal date activity?

A. Cook dinner and watch a movie

B. Go out to a fancy restaurant

C. Take a trip to somewhere new

10. What quality do you think matters most in a relationship?

A. Good sense of humor

B. Passion

C. Empathy

11. What kind of women attract you?

A. A cheerful one

B. A mysterious one

C. Someone who is not afraid to work extra hard

12. How high-maintenance should she be?

A. I’d prefer natural

B. I’d love to see her hair and nails done

C. Nothing wrong with her wanting to look her best

13. What’s your favorite movie genre?

A. Comedy

B. Crime

C. I don’t watch movies

14. Behavior of your wife will be-

A. Positive

B. A mix of decent and mysterious

C. Outspoken

15. In what type clothes your wife will look pretty to you-

A. Any style

B. Western Clothes

C. A smart, corporate look

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