Is My Partner Manipulating Me Quiz Editorial Team
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20 Questions | Total Attempts: 5343 | Updated: Oct 19, 2024
Is My Partner Manipulating Me Quiz

Manipulation could be hard to spot, especially when you are constantly second-guessing yourself and the thoughts you are having. Generally, the manipulation involves saying or doing something to coerce someone to do something on the foundation of guilt, built-up pressure, or feeling sorry for the other person. Because a good manipulator always seems like the victim, even though they are definitely not, it could be difficult to figure out if you are being manipulated. 

If you are trying to find out if you are being manipulated by someone in your life, take this short ‘Is My Partner Manipulating Me’ quiz now!

Questions Excerpt

1. Does your partner minimize or undermine your feelings?

A. No, not at all

B. Sometimes

C. Yes, for sure

2. Has your partner ever told you that you are too sensitive or overreacting?

A. No, they respect my feelings

B. Sometimes, but I can see their point

C. Yes, they often dismiss my feelings as exaggerated

3. Do you feel pressured to make decisions that you are uncomfortable with?

A. No, I feel confident in making my own choices

B. Occasionally, but I usually stick to my own beliefs

C. Yes, I often feel compelled to agree to things I don’t want

4. When discussing issues, does your partner often change the topic to avoid accountability?

A. Rarely, they usually address the issue directly

B. Sometimes, but it depends on the topic

C. Yes, they frequently divert the conversation to escape responsibility

5. Yes, I often feel like I must cheer them up or fix their problems

A. No, I stand my ground when necessary

B. Occasionally, if it helps smooth things over

C. Yes, I apologize even when I don’t think I did anything wrong

6. Does your partner often make you feel responsible for their emotional state?

A. Not really, they usually handle their emotions well

B. Sometimes, but it’s not a consistent issue

C. Yes, I often feel like I must cheer them up or fix their problems

7. Does your partner make dramatic statements all the time?

A. No, not at all

B. Sometimes

C. Yes, for sure

8. Does your partner pass sarcastic comments when they are not pleased?

A. No, not at all

B. Sometimes

C. Yes, for sure

9. Does your partner express their anger through passive aggressive behavior like sulking, silent treatment et cetera?

A. No, not at all

B. Sometimes

C. Yes, for sure

10. Have you felt isolated from your loved ones since you met your partner?

A. No, not at all

B. Sometimes

C. Yes, for sure

11. Do you ever feel like you are being blamed for something you didn’t do?

A. Usually, they are my own actions, not other people’s actions

B. Sometimes I do

C. Yes, it always feels like I am being blamed for something that is outside of my control

12. Do you often feel overwhelming guilt because of how they make you feel?

A. Occasionally, but it doesn’t seem overwhelming

B. Yes, sometimes I do feel that way

C. All of the time

13. Do you ever have to prove yourself to this person for them to believe you?

A. Not really

B. Sometimes

C. Yes, the majority of the time

14. Does this person make you feel insignificant?

A. Not really

B. Sometimes

C. Yes, very often, I feel inadequate around them

15. Do you feel like they are always switching up your words or putting words in your mouth or like no matter what you say, it is wrong?

A. Rarely I do

B. Frequently, I do

C. I feel like they make everything I say seem like something else or twist my words

16. Do you feel like this person is hiding things from you?

A. Sometimes, I feel like they are being sneaky

B. Many times, I feel like I can’t trust them

C. Yes, the majority of the time

17. Do you ever confront someone else’s behavior and then get blamed for it?

A. No, I don’t think so

B. Sometimes

C. Yes, I am always the reason for any mistakes they make somehow

18. When there is a disagreement, does it seem like the other person is always the victim?

A. Sometimes, but not always

B. Most of the time, they put themselves in the victim role

C. Every single time

19. Do you ever feel taken advantage of?

A. No, it’s probably more of the opposite

B. Sometimes, but not always

C. Yes, all of the time

20. Do you feel your partner will pick a fight with you over anything?

A. No, but when we do fight, I am not sure if I am being manipulated

B. Sometimes I do; other times, we get along pretty well

C. Yes, even the smallest things seem to end up in a fight

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