Is My Husband Gaslighting Me Quiz Editorial Team
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10 Questions | Total Attempts: 67 | Updated: Dec 26, 2023
Is My Husband Gaslighting Me Quiz

Welcome to the “Is my husband gaslighting me” quiz. Gaslighting can be a damaging form of manipulation that can make you question your own reality and perceptions. If you're concerned that your husband might be using gaslighting tactics in your relationship, it's essential to address these concerns. 

Our quiz, 'Is My Husband Gaslighting Me,' will help you identify potential signs of gaslighting and decide on the best course of action to protect your emotional well-being.

Questions Excerpt

1. Has your husband ever dismissed your feelings or thoughts when you try to communicate with him?

A. No, he values and respects my feelings and thoughts

B. Occasionally, he dismisses my feelings, but it's not constant

C. Yes, he frequently dismisses my feelings or thoughts

2. Does your husband often tell you that you're overreacting or being too sensitive?

A. No, he does not dismiss my emotions in this way

B. Occasionally, he makes such comments, but it's not constant

C. Yes, he frequently tells me I'm overreacting or being too sensitive

3. Have you noticed a pattern of your husband denying things he previously said or did?

A. No, he generally acknowledges his words and actions

B. Occasionally, he engages in such behavior, but it's not constant

C. Yes, he frequently denies things he previously said or did

4. Does your husband often shift the blame onto you for issues in the relationship?

A. No, he takes responsibility for his part in relationship issues

B. Occasionally, he does this, but it's not constant

C. Yes, he frequently shifts the blame onto me

5. Have you experienced situations where your husband contradicts your memories or experiences?

A. No, he generally respects my recollections and experiences

B. Occasionally, he does this, but it's not constant

C. Yes, he frequently contradicts my memories or experiences

6. Is your husband controlling or manipulative in your relationship?

A. No, he respects my autonomy and independence

B. Occasionally, he displays controlling or manipulative behaviors, but it's not constant

C. Yes, he is frequently controlling or manipulative

7. Does your husband use derogatory or insulting language towards you during disagreements?

A. No, he maintains respectful communication even during disagreements

B. Occasionally, he uses such language, but it's not constant

C. Yes, he frequently uses derogatory or insulting language

8. Have you observed your husband withholding affection, attention, or support when you express concerns or feelings?

A. No, he provides affection and support during difficult times

B. Occasionally, he engages in such behavior, but it's not constant

C. Yes, he frequently withholds affection, attention, or support

9. Is your husband secretive about his actions or whereabouts, causing you to doubt his honesty?

A. No, he is open and honest about his actions and whereabouts

B. Occasionally, he is secretive, but it's not constant

C. Yes, he is frequently secretive, causing doubts about his honesty

10. Does your husband exhibit jealousy, possessiveness, or monitoring behaviors in the relationship?

A. No, he respects my independence and trusts the relationship

B. Occasionally, he engages in such behaviors, but it's not constant

C. Yes, he frequently exhibits jealousy, possessiveness, or monitoring behaviors

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