Is My Husband A Narcissist Quiz Editorial Team
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10 Questions | Total Attempts: 459 | Updated: Dec 28, 2023
Is My Husband a Narcissist Quiz

Navigating a relationship with a narcissistic partner can be difficult and emotionally draining. If you suspect your husband might have narcissistic traits, our quiz can offer valuable clarity. 

'Is My Husband a Narcissist Quiz' aims to help you identify narcissistic behaviors and understand their implications for your relationship. Let's embark on this journey of self-awareness and empowerment to make informed decisions about your well-being.

Questions Excerpt

1. How does your husband typically respond when you share your feelings or concerns?

A. He is empathetic and attentive, offering emotional support

B. He may listen but often redirects the conversation to himself

C. He dismisses your feelings and shifts the focus to his own needs

2. When discussing your achievements and successes, how does your husband react?

A. He celebrates your accomplishments and offers praise

B. He might acknowledge your achievements but quickly transitions to his own

C. He often belittles or minimizes your successes

3. Does your husband frequently require admiration and attention from others?

A. He values admiration but doesn't constantly seek it

B. He enjoys attention and admiration but it doesn't dominate his life

C. He constantly craves admiration and attention from others

4. How does your husband react when you express a different opinion or a need for personal space?

A. He respects your opinions and boundaries

B. He may resist but ultimately respects your boundaries

C. He dismisses your opinions and invades your personal space

5. When you experience emotional distress, how does your husband typically respond?

A. He offers support, comfort, and actively listens

B. He may acknowledge your distress but quickly shifts the focus

C. He dismisses your feelings and minimizes your distress

6. Does your husband often take credit for your accomplishments or claim responsibility for your success?

A. No, he respects and acknowledges your achievements

B. Occasionally, he may jokingly take credit for minor successes

C. Yes, he consistently takes credit for your achievements

7. How frequently does your husband engage in manipulation or control in the relationship?

A. Rarely or never; our relationship is built on trust and respect

B. Occasionally, there are moments of manipulation or control

C. Frequently, manipulation and control are common in our relationship

8. How does your husband handle criticism or feedback from you?

A. He takes it constructively and considers your feedback

B. He may become defensive but eventually acknowledges the criticism

C. He responds with anger or dismisses your criticism

9. How often does your husband make grandiose or unrealistic claims about himself or his achievements?

A. Rarely or never; he's modest about his abilities

B. Occasionally, he may exaggerate his accomplishments

C. Frequently, he consistently makes grandiose claims

10. How does your husband approach conflicts or disagreements in the relationship?

A. He engages in open, healthy discussions to resolve conflicts

B. There may be moments of tension, but conflicts are typically resolved

C. He often escalates conflicts and refuses to compromise

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