How Many More Heartbreaks Will You Take Before You Meet Your Future Spouse Quiz? Editorial Team
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10 Questions | Total Attempts: 52 | Updated: Mar 16, 2022
 How Many More Heartbreaks Will You Take Before You Meet Your Future Spouse Quiz?
You may think you’ve become immune to heartbreaks, or you probably have had enough heartbreaks for a lifetime, but this quiz may surprise you. The ‘how many heartbreaks before you find your spouse quiz’ is designed to reveal the number of heartbreaks you may encounter before you meet your ideal partner. The answer to this quiz may end up giving you hope or give you some clarity about your current dating life.

Questions Excerpt

1. How do you spend the next few weeks after your heart gets broken?

A. I just move on

B. Sleeping with as many people I come across

C. Binge-eating

2. What advice will you give to a friend who’s been cheated on?

A. Break up with your partner

B. Go out there and cheat on them as well

C. Take your time and listen to them first, it may be a misunderstanding

3. How many relationships have you been in?

A. Three or more

B. One

C. Two

4. What are you looking for in your future spouse?

A. A kindhearted spouse

B. A spouse with a fat bank account

C. A great body

5. Is rushing into another relationship a great idea?

A. No, it isn’t

B. Yes, it makes the healing process faster

C. Maybe

6. How often do you romanticize your relationship?

A. I don’t do that at al

B. Most of the time, romanticizing things keeps me sane

C. Sometimes I do, because romanticizing feels good

7. Do you often acknowledge that life could be better than before?

A. Yes, most of the time

B. Not at all

C. Sometimes I do

8. What’s the shortest duration of your recent relationship?

A. 2 - 3 years

B. 2 - 5 months

C. 6 - 7 months

9. Do you love yourself?

A. Yes as much as possible

B. I loathe myself so much

C. I do but not as much

10. How real are you with your dating partners?

A. I’m not judgmental

B. You need to fake it to make things work

C. It’s complicated as I’ve got trust issues

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